CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

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CBS News and JFK (The Body Snatchers) Parts 24-27


I’m afraid we don’t hear the sound of Mr. Coralt’s voice. Uh, we’ll try to repair that technical problem as he reports on the mood in Los Angelos. Shocked as every part of the nation is. I’m sorry about that technical problem. We’ll seek to repair it and then hear from Mr. Coralt later.

Already in Washington the protocol which every great nation has in order to cope with events of this kind has begun to get into motion. The new President is on his way; has already scheduled meetings with Secretary of Defense McNamara, top aides, Congressional leaders. The Presidents body will lie in repose tomorrow in the East Room of the White House between 10 and 6 PM in the morning and there an elaborate schedule for viewing and the paying of respects to the late President has been set up. The family will come in at 10:00 o’clock in the morning into the East Room of the White House. At 11:00 President Johnson the new President of the United States, Speaker McCormack, former US Presidents: President Truman, President Eisenhower, President Hoover, members of the Executive Branch of Government who are Presidential Appointees will be ushered into the President’s resting place in the East Room of the White House. Then in the afternoon the Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary. Later members of the Senate and House, Governors of the fifty states and territories. And later still the Diplomatic Corp will pay their respects. Then the President’s body will lie in-state in the traditional ceremony that takes place for Presidents who have died in office will lie in -state in the Great Rotunda of the Capitol. Then it will be taken to Boston where the actual funeral will take place according to the wishes of the family which have still not been expressed because the sense of grief and these problems have not yet been spelled out in any careful or orderly way. There is time for that as the, as the machinery of a State Funeral begins to take its course in Washington and then later in Boston the President’s home where the actual funeral will take place.

We have a statement here from Sir Winston Churchhill, former Prime Minister of Britain, the first honorary citizen of the United States, who called the assassination of President Kennedy, “A monstrous act. The loss to the United States and to the world is incalculable, said Sir Winston. “Those who come after Mr. Kennedy must strive the more to achieve the ideals of world peace and human happiness and dignity to which his Presidency was dedicated.

There has been uh a statement from uh the heads of all of the great states of the world as they express their grief at the death of the President.

In Paris, Charles De Gaulle a soldier himself (licks 3:36/11:00) said, “President Kennedy died like a soldier under fire for his duty and in the service of his country. In the name of the French people ever the friend of the American people I salute this great example and this great memory. From Charles De Gaulle. In a message to Mrs. Kennedy the French President said, The immense sorrow which has stricken you moves my wife and me from the bottom of our hearts. Please accept our assurance that we are with you in thought and in prayer. President Kennedy,” said Charles De Gaulle, will never be forgotten.” Another message to the new President Lyndon Johnson pledged the faithful and confident friendship of France for the United States of America.

On this day of history with so many confused and, we fear, so many repititious developments it might be fitting to recapitulate a little bit of the things that happened. The chronology of President Kennedy’s final hours which began at 8:45 this morning as the President walked bare headed and without a coat through a misty rain into a parking lot across the street from Fort Worth’s Hotel Texas. (licks 4:49/11:00) He spoke there and then at 9:00 o’clock he went to a breakfast. At 10:30 he went onto the Air Force for his flight to Dallas. And then began the tragic series of events which you know. He moved from Dallas out to a Trade Mart where he was to address a bi-partisan group and on the way he was shot. Governor Connally of Texas was also shot. And now the new President of the United States, President Lyndon Johnson, is on his way to Washington and to take up the reins of duty at the White House. (licks 5:24/11:00)

A moment ago we sought to bring you reaction from Charles Coralt in Los Angelos. We believe now that our technical difficulties between here and Los Angelos have been corrected, so let’s try and switch back to Hollywood and Vine and CBS News Correspondent Charles Coralt.

Aerial vantage point although most of the people don’t realize it….

except for the people with sunglasses on

seem to know about that vantage point….

Isn’t that weird?


Even at this uh late hour people are still passing this corner in Hollywood with tears in their eyes. I uh saw a woman a few minutes ago walking along with a baby in her hands and she was clutching the baby and tears just pouring from her eyes obviously trying to comfort the child in an attempt to comfort herself. This great city of Los Angelos is such a defuse place that it’s not always clear these moments of mass emotion, but this city is overcome this afternoon by a multitude of personal griefs. You can’t see very much change in the face of the city, but you can see what has happened written in the faces of people; people sitting at the benches on the bus stops or just staring straight ahead not saying anything to anyone.

All the religious leaders of Los Angelos have listed services in memory of the President where people will want to find an expression for their sorrow. There’s uh Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem, a Memorial Service at the University of Judaiasm. A Prayer Service tonight at the First Baptist Church in Los Angelos.

And as for the secular officials, the politicians of the city who have commented

most of them seem to be assuming on the

basis of whatever facts,

that the death of President Kennedy is attributable to extremists. For example: City Councilman Tom Bradley said,

This indicates the dangerous degree of hysteria and hate which has consumed some elements of our nation.”

And another councilmen, the City Council was in session when the news came, Billy Mills said,

there’s no doubt in my mind that he was shot because of the positions he has taken.”

The John Birch Societywhich opposed all of his positions, it has commented too, in the person of Congressman John Russelo who  said,

no matter how Americans may disagree, this action is a 

despicable means to an end. 

First, Congressman Russelo said, this is not the proper or normal way to disagree.” (Big lick 8:01/11:00)

Then he made his statement stronger. He said,

But these were the reactions of politicians, men used to making public statements.

Coincidental statement by John Russelo of the John Birch Society and reminds me of what the stated purpose of the BGEA

(Billy Graham Evangelical Association) which is

“By Any and All Means”

which I wrote about In a post called : 

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

and Rev. Wilkerson wrote about the failure of in his last post on his blog before he was killed this last year titled 

When All Means Fail.

Coincidentally, both Billy Graham and Rev. Wilkerson are in you-tube video in the press/entourage of President Kennedy scurrying around Mrs. Kennedy at the Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas a half hour before President Kennedy is assassinated.

The reaction of ordinary people people like those standing around me here at Hollywood and Vine was less eloquent perhaps, but no less deeply felt.

What’s your name, sir? – Ernie Lowenstein.

And how did you hear the news of the death of the President? – Uh, I was delivering cleaning to one of my customers when I heard the television say the President had been shot. And then, also I heard the maid say, “My God, they just shot the President.”

What was your own feeling? – Well, I felt deeply hurt, that’s the only way I can put it. I was uh not shocked as badly as the maid, but I felt very, very hurt.

What’s your name? – My name is George Kieser.

And uh, where were you when you heard the news? – I was in the Stock Exchange.

What happened there? – Well, immediately the news came over the ticker tapes uh at the Stock Exchange. Uh Everybody was shocked and the Stock Exchange immediately closed down and finally closed down with a loss of 21 points.

And  what was your own feeling? – My own feeling, while I am a republican, is that it’s a shame and a disgrace that anything like that could happen in this country.

Thank you, sir.

What’s your name? –  Sandy? Robinson

And where were you when you heard that the President was dead? – I was working at the telephone company on the switchboard and all of a sudden the lights started flashing like Christmas. It was too fantastic (?garbled) and our supervisors told us what had happened. And people just started calling all over the place. And I just, nobody could believe it. It’s too, there’s no words to express (garbled) that it happened at all.

It’s true that there are no words to express it and that feeling is obvious all around us on the streets of Los Angelos. This is Charles Coralt at Hollywood and Vine and we return you now to CBS News Headquarters in New York.


All over the world people are going to remember all their lives what they were doing when they first heard that President Kennedy had been killed. In respect for the feelings of a shocked nation CBS is canceling all of its entertainment programs and all commercial announcements until after the President’s funeral.

In a special announcement by Frank Stanton, the President of the Columbia Broadcasting System he said: In respect for the feelings of a shocked nation the CBS Television Network and the CBS Radio Network will carry no commercial announcements and no entertainment programs until after the President’s funeral. CBS will continue to bring all the news relating to this tragic event: the memorials and special broadcasts and all other news of importance throughout this period. (licks)


File:CBS logo.svg


William S. Paley

William S. Paley (September 28, 1901 – October 26, 1990) was the chief executive who built Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) from a small radio network into one of the foremost radio and television network operations in the United States.[1]

Broadcasting pioneer

During World War II, Paley served in the psychological warfare branch in the Office of War Information, under General Dwight Eisenhower, and held the rank of colonel. It was while based in London, England, during the war when Paley came to know and befriend Edward R. Murrow, CBS’s head of European news.

Marriage to Dorothy Hart Hearst

Paley met Dorothy Hart Hearst (1908–1998) while she was married to John Randolph Hearst, the third son of William Randolph Hearst. Paley fell in love with her, and, after her Las Vegas divorce from Hearst, she and Paley married on May 12, 1932, in Kingman, Arizona.[7]


So the CBS Network is a warfare tool. Who is it used against?

The American people.

I watched a show the other night with on Fox station with Ken Stoussel (not sure of the spelling) and Greta Van Susteren and a few other Fox employees and the show was about their first jobs and internships. (Recently President Barack Obama also spoke about internships.) They are mocking the people of America and mostly the unemployed. They know that they are in a private war unannounced or unrealized by the average American, but they are, and are influenced by a very evil spirit. We have each had a first job if you have ever worked. Some people are already being singled out to prevent them from obtaining a job. They know it and I now know it. But they do it in such a way that others cannot see unless you are the ones that are singled out. That is why in the tribulation families don’t get along, because they don’t believe and they don’t see. Kind of a private and lonely tribulation. Very sadistic and it is…sadistic, and crazy…I might add. Not like the tribulation the RCC is experiencing because of their misappropriation of their own power. That is just a fake tribulation. They are not tribulating, but just drunk on the blood of others and their martyrdom.

This is what JFK’s infamous speech was partially warning to the American people and probably why he was assassinated. 

I know that Greta is possessed.

I watched it happen in an interview she had with a very famous evangelical. I watched as he took on her traits and sort of fitted himself into her like a crab inhabits a shell. It was subtle, but I noticed because of what I have seen and discovered in this investigation of the assassination of JFK. It was her interview with Dr. Billy Graham. Here is an article that I wrote a while back which includes this interview which is at the bottom of that article. I imagine others at Fox have been affected too.

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

As Billy Graham said that the devil relies on disbelief.

He ought to know!

Hearst also puffed Billy Graham.


Coincidentally, a woman named Jessica Ghawi an intern at Fox News was murdered in a theater. She had just tweeted some friends that the movie would be playing in 20 minutes then 20 minutes later the shooting began so far a I have read. I also read that someone in the Aurora theater appeared to facilitate the intruders entrance through the emergency exit.

That sounds like a set up.

Another coincidence, Jessica was in Toronto when a murderous rampage at a shopping mall which occurred a few months before.

“KDVR reports that Jessica Ghawi, who interned in the FOX 31 Denver sports department, tweeted early Friday morning from the movie theater just before the shooting occurred about 20 minutes in to the midnight showing of “The Dark Night Rises” in Aurora.”

“Jessica Ghawi was a prolific social media user under the new name. Her last tweet stated in all capital letters, “movie doesn’t start for 20 minutes.”

Read more:

I mean no disrespect,

but it ought to occur to any good detective in an investigation of this type

that maybe there is a link between the two events,

besides the obvious loss of life.

Jessica Ghawi seems to be that link.


Not only is she a link, but so is the man she coerced into going to the movie theater in Aurora that night and 

her boyfriend Meloff who seems to have also been at the mall in Toronto. 

“Meloff confirmed that the blog post was true

and recalled the pair’s close call in the Eaton Centre shooting less than two months earlier.”

“If we had eaten sushi we would have been right in the food court when it happened,” said Meloff.

“Instead, we were just above it.”


“Meloff said he spoke to his girlfriend on Skype, hours before she went to see the movie.

She also sent him a text message about 10 minutes before the shooting happened.”

“She just told me to sleep well and I told her I was jealous she was going to see the movie without me,” Meloff said”

In the case of the Toronto rampage the police said it was not such a random crime,

but gang related and targeting a specific person.

I think it is demonic and a form of communication using these public killings:

Police say they know who opened fire at Toronto’s Eaton Centre

“Our investigation clearly suggests this is a targeted shooting and not a random act of violence against the general members of the public,” said Det. Sgt. Borg. “Regardless, it was committed in a busy mall, in the heart of the city, with no regard for members of the public simply going about their everyday business and pleasure.” The deceased was shot multiple times, and an autopsy is underway.”

I would think Meloff might also be a suspect
and Fox News.
Something is deadly wrong with this scenario.
The man with the goatee who left the theater and gave the possessed, hypnotized, and drugged killer access.

This was obviously a set up!

I have read and heard some interviews (Hardball, Chris Matthews, Fox News and their Greta Van Susterne, and Nancy Grace) and it seems the press are skirting around the obvious….WHY? 
They are not stupid, so why are they acting stupid.
Who do they represent?

A Fox News Reporter Is the Vatican’s New Recruit

By AUDREY YOO | June 26, 2012

“The Vatican has a new recruit. Greg Burke, a Rome correspondent for Fox News since 2001 (and before that, a writer for TIME), will be joining the Vatican as a senior communications adviser. His main responsibility at the Secretariat of State, the government of the Roman Catholic Church, is to advise officials on shaping the church’s message as it grapples with various scandals, including a long string of sex-abuse cover-ups and the arrest of the Pope’s butler over leaked documents. Burke is also expected to increase the Vatican’s use of digital media and help English-language news outlets get greater access to the Holy See, reports NPR.”

“The 52-year-old journalist is the first communications expert that the Vatican has employed from outside the world of Catholic media, reports the New York Times. Observers of the Catholic Church point out that Burke, a member of the Opus Dei movement, has his work cut out for him. Not only does he have to help the church get its message out but he also has to deal with the rigid Vatican hierarchy run by Italians.”

Read more:

Good job,

you helped Fox and now onward to the Vatican!

Please read article about events today such as the massacre in Libya, death of Ambassador of Libya, unrest in North Africa with

possible ties to Vatican rehabilitation to gloss the bad finish left behind in a perverted  Opus Dei, Greg Burke, Pope Benediction (a curse) kind-of-way:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion


By the way Opus Dei is a very secret society even within the vatican.

What is Opus Dei?

“In recent years, groups of former members from other countries have gathered together to point out the deceptive and manipulative techniques employed by Opus Dei members and to share their stories.  Among these are Opus Libros, based in Spain, and Opuslivre, based in Brazil.  From the contacts ODAN has made, it has become apparent that wherever Opus Dei is, there is controversy. “

I wonder if Opus Dei is the Secret Society warned about by

President Kennedy in his infamous speech.

Some of the Press seem to be members…..hmmmmmm. Makes sense to me.

Hugo Chávez tells Venezuelans to drink juice not Coke

When Chávez took office in 1999, he referred to four major TV channels – RCTV, Venevision, Globovision and Televen – as the

“four horsemen of the apocalypse”.

He accused the channels supporting a short-lived 2002 coup by broadcasting cartoons and films instead of the protests that aided his return to power.


Speaking of the Four Horsemen

At NBC News there were a group of 4 reporters that were known by the name of the Four Horsemen:

 Sander Vanocur, John ChancellorFrank McGee, and Edwin Newman.

In RFK’s final hours, an interview

An on-scene newsman recalls RFK’s shooting

What luck!

Sander Vanocur

Sander Vanocur interviewing U.S. Senator and Democratic Presidential aspirant Robert F. Kennedy

on the evening of June 4, 1968, shortly before Kennedy was shot and killed in aLos Angeles hotel.

Here is another picture:

Frank McGee also reported

 the assassination of President Kennedy for NBC and he mutated

from one person into another as time progressed which I show in an article

that includes my observation of those hand signals and his alternative personalities:

Pope Benedict Says “Faith was the True Enlightenment”


Does Fox News represent the Vatican?


Bill O’Reilly of Fox News has come out with a new book called Killing Kennedy:

JFK assassination gets the O’Reilly treatment

They have to be possessed either by their lifestyles and benefits to overlook and not even ask about the coincidences with Jessica Ghawi and the two terrorist events in Toronto and Aurora, Colorado,
 with the intent to mock and cover the truth to maintain those lofty positions and high salaries and benefits. I find it disgusting!
They obviously could care less, but love to act like they are concerned and celebrate the victims lives with the victims families.
No longer do they mourn.
They celebrate.
Sounds like “terrorists” who celebrate their martyrs in the act of chaos and death (even in families!) because they got away with it. They are brainwashed to this way of thinking. Very scary kind of mentality and put-on shallow remorse by the press who I believe are as involved as the terrorists themselves because it serves them, and their purpose. Very twisted. 
What they want is gun control and of course they have others on their side to do that lobbying. This is so transparent and sad. 
 Their purpose apparently is the same as Billy Graham’s stated purpose

By Any and All Means.

 President Obama also paid tribute. Did it serve him too?  

It is his duty to protect the American people,

but instead he will ignore the obvious as the others do

for his whatever reason and his whatever purpose.  


He already celebrated Ramadan.

Perhaps this event is just more of the same!

 Well, he did the proper thing and seems to have learned a few traits from the State Department

 …….biting his lip. Gettin’ more professional by the day! Utterly amazing. (REMINDS ME OF BILL CLINTON)

Does the biting help or had Obama been fasting?

Makes you feel it so much more! I would give him two thumbs up for that if I thought he were for real. But I don’t.

President Obama Speaks on the Shooting in Aurora, Colorado from Fort Myers, Florida

Now we have the Benghazi Libyan event which I wrote about in

The JFK Challenger to the Power of Lies

and in the article called

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

 and included the following article because it seems to be the most truthful article and speaks volumes.

Father of Slain SEAL:

Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son?


CNN (Thurs, July 26th, 2012)


They gave their lives;

upheld the code


Hardball and Chris Matthews are just soft jelly rolls.

Ted Nugent: ‘Dark Knight’ audience

should have been armed

Bomb threats lead to evacuation of 8 Walmarts, 2 in Kansas City area Jul 27, 2012

Looks like it!


Please read:

Colorado shooting victims’ families blast fundraising charities

“Teves said $5,000 was given to each of the 70 victims’ families only after they threatened to make public their concerns.

“The victims of 9/11 had similar issues with non-profit organizations keeping the donations from directly going to the victims until a handful of families put a stop to it,” Teves said.”

Families of Aurora shooting victims say fund money going to nonprofits

“We shouldn’t have to beg to get a little voice,” he said. “They used our children’s pictures, our dead children’s pictures.”

Sounds like money seems to be important to these families. Seems contrived complaining about money when their kid just died. Or did they? Or are they mixing up the Aurora massacre with the Newtown massacre?


Update: March 12th Tuesday

Judge enters not guilty plea for James Holmes in Aurora shooting trial

Judge approves use of ‘truth serum’ on accused Aurora shooter James Holmes


More on Aurora:

Obama is Slaying the Senate




Evangelicals, Taxes, Jobs, and the Consumer


“Never waste a good crisis” – Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton says:You know, we have we have the Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel  for President Obama was is an old friend of uh mine and 

my husbands was in the White House when Bill was there and he said,

 “You know, ah never waste a good crisis. And when it comes to the economic crisis, don’t waste it. It can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy secur energy security.”

And that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Perhaps the massacre in Aurora will have a positive impact on climate change and energy security, as well.

Does that make sense?

 No wonder we have the problems that we have in America!

“We’re” (whoever we’re includes) creates problems in order to fix other problems….maybe this is what occurred in Aurora and Toronto!

Perhaps Ghawi was a problem to someone

and she needed to be fixed for someone in the “we’re” category in a public and a private sort of way. I know the feminine gender is under attack by that world spirit in a myriad of ways especially since the assassination of JFK .

I think in the Clinton Administration it seemed that a lot of people were suspiciously fixed including Vince Foster, Monica Lewinski, Ron Brown…..etc and possibly even Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John Roll in Obama’s administration. Pretty easy task if you use the right drugs and brain washing. Our government is deeply influenced and has been for many years by  ‘the Grahams’ (and the world spirit they sow)  and are not above abusing it’s own citizens and non citizens to accomplish these deeds as demonstrated by the assassination of President Kennedy and the press for the most part abiding in their good graces (money) assist in their confusion.

Inmate: James Holmes Told Me He Was ‘Programmed’ To Kill by “Evil” Therapist

He definitely appeared to be in another world and drugged.

Clinton leaving Ron Brown funeral


Please read these interesting articles:

Batman Shooting: ABC Botches Aurora Massacre Coverage

by Linking Killer to the Tea Party

Romney Bain Capital Scandal: Why Possible Mitt Romney Lies Matter



The President’s funeral will take place next week in Boston. His body will be brought back to Washington. It’s on its way now by jet plane. Will arrive in something like 25 minutes. It will lie in repose in the White House tomorrow. And respects will be paid to it by dignitaries of this country and uh and foreign countries. Then it will go to the Great Rotunda of the Capitol and in the traditional ceremony Lie-In-State there. The actual funeral will be in the President’s home city of Boston.

More and more reports, tributes, reaction, come in:

Gereral of the Army Douglas McArthur sent the following telegram to Mrs. Kennedy on the death of the President. I realize the utter futility of words at such a time. But the world of civilization shares the poignancy of this monumental tragedy. As a former comrade-in -arms,” said General MacArthur, “his death kills something within me.”

We still do not know who the assassin was or what was his motive. The prime (clears throat) prime person suspected (licks 1:23/11:00) is a man who was cornered and seized in a movie theater in the Oak Oak Cliff section of Dallas, Texas soon after the assassination. They refer to him as the man in a brown shirt. He shot and killed a police officer before he was subdued. The man has been identified as Lee H. Oswald, Chairman of a Fair Play For Cuba Committee. Now Fair Play For Cuba sounds more like a left wing extremist organization, not a right wing one, but we have no positive identification of uh it’s point of view. Oswald is held also in the slaying of the pursuing policeman who was shot with a 38-caliber snub nosed weapon. The President was shot with a foreign army rifle with a telescopic sight. (licks) According to police the suspect Oswald fired at Policeman J. D. Tippitt and then tried to shoot the patrolman MM McDonald, but the weapon misfired. Uh, Tippitt was killed. Oswald put up a fight and was subdued by a crowd of 600 people who had gathered outside the Texas theater in the Oak Oak Cliff district in of uh Dallas, Texas.

People of both parties continue to pay their tribute to the President of the United States. It is a shocking event that tren transends ordinary political dialogue in political positions.

We have some more Congressional reaction in Washington D.C. and we switch now to Washington and Neil Strausser:


Friends and foes join together in sorrow at the death of President Kennedy. For instance, here is the man who recently led the fight to cut Mr. Kennedys foreign aid program Democratic Senator Wayne Morris of Oregon:

-In this dark tragic hour all I can say is what I said on the floor of the Senate: This is the time for every American to pray. Pray for the President and pray for the country.

Here is Republican Senator Scott of Pennsylvania:

-When this incredible news came to me I immediately phoned my wife and asked her to join all of us in praying for God’s mercy, that our President might survive. Uh, all of us knew him in the House and Senate. Uh he was our friend as well as our President. Uh today the nation unites in mourning in deep and tragic sorrow. Now our hearts go out to to his loved ones, to his family, and to all the people of this country who look to the President for their leadership, their guidance, and their inspiration. And truly the thought most with me today is that in the midst of life we are in death. And I know that all Americans no matter where they come from or how they are made by in God’s fashion will rally in support behind the President of the United States uh Lyndon Johnson.

(4:36/10:30 closes eyes and licks his mouth)

Democratic Senator Russell of Georgia:

-The news of this dastardly crime has shocked and stunned the American people, indeed the people of the entire free world. (4:49/10:30 licks mouth) The assassin’s bullet has removed from the most vital station on earth a brilliant and dedicated young Statesman at the very heighth of his powers. My personal relations with the President both in the Congress and since he was elevated to the Office of Chief Magistrate have always been cordial. And I feel a deep sense of personal loss (licks mouth 5:27/10:30The heart of the entire world goes out ta to Mrs. Kennedy (licks mouth 5:37/10:30) and to all of the members of his family in this hour. This Kennedy family is one of the most remarkable families on earth and all of us can but but sympathize with them in this very tragic hour. 

And the House GOP leader Charley Halleck:

 – (6:03/10:30 licks mouth) The assassination of President Kennedy is an unspeakable crime against all of the people of this country. The world should know that in this hour of national tragedy Americans stand together as one, shocked and grieved, at this unbelievable news. Political differences have no part in the personal affection I felt for President Kennedy. An affection I have reason to believe he felt for me.


My mind this afternoon keeps going back to that wonderful series of pictures published just this week of a father and son. In case you’ve wondered, John-John, John jr. and Caroline were at the White House this afternoon when all this tragedy happened. And as and at our last word they have not been told. Presumably, that job will fall to Mrs. Kennedy when she returns on that plane in a few moments.

Sargent Shriver the President’s brother-in-law and Director of the Peace Corps is looking after the children, also is making the funeral arrangements. The body will go to Bethesda Naval Hospital will we are told, then will Lie in State at the White House tomorrow. The new President Lyndon Johnson, the Cabinet Members, members of the family, Justices of the Supreme Court, and others, will view the body tomorrow. Then Speaker John McCormack has announced that the body will Lie in State in the Capitol Rotunda all day Sunday and until noon Monday so that Americans can pay their last respects.

Speaker McCormack has gone to Andrews Air Force Base in nearby Maryland now to meet the plane bearing the body of John Kennedy and bringing in the new President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson. McCormack now is next in succession for the Presidency and recognizing that, Secret Service Agents moved in to protect him very early this afternoon. (licks mouth 7:50/10:30.)

The mechanics of the takeover are already in in-operation. President Johnson will meet at the White House tonight with Defense Secretary McNamara, as you’ve already said Charlie, with Defense Secretary McNamara and with White House National Security Aide George Mc Buck McBundy. Then he will confer with the bi-partisan leadership of Congress. The business of government cannot stop even in sorrow.

This is Neil Strausser in Washington.


Back to Charles Collingwood:

We have brought you much reaction during these past few hours from people important and people unimportant. What a weird thing to say! I wonder if he might tell us who is unimportant….the people in the street report? Charles Collingwood, the Murrow follower, an Elitist, I guess. 

We will doubtless bring you more. The eloquent ones have expressed themselves eloquently. Others have expressed themselves inarticulately and simply. But the sense of loss, the sense of shock, the sense of tragedy is very strong throughout this country and throughout the world.

Vice President, former Vice President Johnson now the President of the United States is on his way to Washington. He will land at Andrews Air Force Base in approximately half an hour. We hope to be able to bring you pictures, we have our cameras there, of the new President’s arrival. We have been told that President Johnson will make his first statement as Chief Executive when he lands at Andrews Air Force Base at approximately 6:15 pm Eastern Standard Time. That’s in about 27 minutes from now.(licks 9:17/10:30) Then after he’s made his statement he’ll proceed to the White House. Fly in by helicopter, as President Kennedy was so often wont/want/wanton? to do. (I’m one of those inarticulates and unimportant ones LOL, sorry) Begin his meetings with Members of the Cabinet, members of both parties of the of the Congress of the United States. Begin to take over the (9:37/10:30 licks mouth) reins of government that have fallen to him in the process of Presidential succession. The President of the United States, Lyndon Baines Johnson, on his way now from Dallas in the plane in which he received the Presidential Oath in an impromptu ceremony in the plane itself administered for the first time by a woman, Federal Judge Sarah Hughes.

Now for the next period my colleague Harry Reasoner is going to take over this seat and this microphone and continue to inform you of all the developments that continue to take place as the nation and the world reacts to this tragic change in events. Harry?

Charlie leaves and Harry Reasoner sits down.




Thank you, Charles.

As you know, CBS has announced that there will be no commercials announcements and no entertainment programming until President Kennedy’s funeral. That is going to inevitably mean a certain amount of confusion as we change back and forth here; confusion of the kind that has struck the whole country today.

The text of what Dr. Stanton said was that in respect for the feelings of a shocked nation the CBS Television Network and the CBS Radio Network will carry no commercial announcements and no entertainment programs until after the President’s funeral. CBS will continue to bring all the news relating to this tragic event: memorials and special broadcasts and all other news of importance throughout this period.

As Charles Collingwood said President Johnson will land in Washington at about 6:15 pm at about 20 minutes from now, and he’s expected to make his first public statement as President of the United States at that time.

With more news coming in, the body of assassinated President John F. Kennedy is going to Lie in Repose at the White House tomorrow to be viewed by mourning members of his family and high dignitaries of the government. The general public will not be admitted. (licks1:28/10:53) The White House announced tonight that the body flown from Dallas by the same plane that is bringing President Johnson to the nation’s Capitol will be on view from 10:00 o’clock tomorrow morning until 6:00 o’clock tomorrow evening. That plane is due at about 6:15.

We have gotten a picture of President Johnson being sworn in by that woman Federal Judge which I think we can pick up on this camera that was done in the Executive cabin of the Presidential plane.

Always, always the swearing in of a new President has to be done within the shortest practical time after the death of the old.

Harry Reasoner quickly points with index finger to Jackie Kennedy as he says ‘Always’ and then returns his fingers to the side of the picture. 1:55/10:53

I was trying to think how many living Americans, how many occasions of this kind living Americans can remember: There was President Truman’s swearing-in after Franklin Roosevelt died. There was Calvin Coolidge’s swearing-in after Warren Harding died. And now, President Johnson being sworn-in after the assassination of President Kennedy.

There wouldn’t be very many living Americans who could remember the last assassination of a President, that would be President Mckinnley to which Theodore Roosevelt succeeded.

Somehow this is the the first assassination of an American President to take place in the era of modern communications of radio and television. 

Somehow the immediacy of the feeling throughout the whole country is greater. (licks 3:00/10:53.)

 I can remember, as many people can, when President Roosevelt died of natural causes- the shock that hit the country. People crying all over the United States. Radio, at that time before television went into something like a 72-hour dirge, the same feeling that it was improper to resume normal pursuits (licks 3:19/10:53 happened then, as it is happening now. Tonight Broadway has closed down. I imagine theaters in most parts of the country will not give performances. The Yale-Harvard game has been cancelled for tomorrow.

British television has cancelled it’s commercial announcements. (slight smirk 3:40/10:53.)

There is a feeling that while that kind of testimony (licks 3:45/10:53) to the sadness that everyone has, cannot bring a man back,

that it is only proper.

People will remember today as a date to date things in their lives sum/some in the same way that they did in the case of President Roosevelt. They say where were you when President Roosevelt died. They will say the same thing about where were you when you first heard the news of President Kennedy’s assassination.

I was at a twisting party at my home with my parents, my sisters and my brother and their friends. The party stopped and we tried to watch on a television that was not very clear. We were overseas at that time. Just as coincidental I almost died at Parkland Hospital in the same hospital where President Kennedy did die and supposedly Oswald also died. Parkland has been in the news lately as being a terrible hospital but in all honesty it is good and bad. The first time I went to that hospital I was misdiagnosed and taken off a prescription that might have prevented going back again near death. But the second time around the doctors saved my life and were excellent at their profession. I guess it depends on the individual doctors and their talent. Now some of the nurses were incompetent and I ended up having too many CAT scans without the proper ingestion of liquids but they did not care they just were following orders even when I told them, which meant I would need another CAT scan. I was their guinea pig and did not have the strength to fight their mindless-Ness having been on morphine and other pain medications.

It is a very good hospital in my opinion, but depends on which doctor you see as in any profession. Kind of like the difference between Dr. BIlly Graham and a good doctor or the difference between the Synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John. Or to put it another way, the difference between a bad shepherd and The Good Shepherd. The reason the puffed Billy Graham is because he is the Big Bad Wolf. The Beast.

It was a, began as a normal day for the President. He was having apparently a pretty good time in Texas, a very successful time on what was billed as a non-political trip (stretches neck and turns his head 4:25/10:53) but would had a great many political implications.

The tenor of his administration had turned to politics a great deal in the last few months, (licks mouth 4:34/10:53) and Texas was a critical place for him to go. He had gone there hoping for political benefits whatever the real purpose of the trip. (licks mouth4:43/10:53) 

Cardinal Cushing, BSO honored JFK

with Mozart’s ‘Requiem’ 45 years ago

“Bishop Joseph T. McGuire, a bishop emeritus of Springfield, said he was a priest secretary to Cardinal Cushing working in the adjoining office to the archbishop at the chancery on Lake Street in Brighton Nov. 22 when the telephone rang.

“Are you watching TV?” asked Judge Francis X. Morrissey on the other end of the line, “The president has been shot.”

Cardinal Cushing was meeting with the commanding admiral of the First Naval District, which was headquartered in Boston, when his secretary walked in with the news, he said.

When he heard the news, Cardinal Cushing did not utter a word as he stood up and walked to his desk, Bishop McGuire said. The admiral stood up as well and left without a word. As the secretary left the office, the cardinal started working the phones.”

Odd that Cardinal Cushing would be meeting

with an admiral of the Navy.


Is that what Cardinals do?

“The former first lady was sturdy throughout the ceremony,

but when the cardinal raised the body and then the blood of Christ,

she lowered her face into her hands.”






John 8:28

28 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself;

but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.



The article following explains some of the changes to the grave of JFK that have occurred over the years. One change included lowering his grave.

John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame


Here is late information on the man that they have arrested in Dallas and who is called at the moment the prime suspect in the assassination of President Kennedy. He’s Lee H. Oswald. In 1959. he defected to Russia. He’s Chairman of a Pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee. He’s also accused of killing a policeman who chased in into a theater shortly after Kennedy was shot to death and Governor John Colony Connally was wounded. He was seized by another officer.

This is a picture of him. (licks mouth 5:17/10:53)

 He probably does not look exactly like this now after he had been questioned.

No, he looked very different as you will see in parts (31 & 52, 53)
When he was caught he wore a white shirt and dark trousers. Police said that there first description was that he was wearing a brownish colored jacket and such a jacket was found in the parking lot of a funeral home near the theater where he was seized. Oswald is about 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 160 pounds. He has light brown hair. That’s Lee Oswald, Chairman of a Fair Play for Cuba Committee. That’s a committee of people who believe that Castro is not being treated fairly by this country; a pro Castro group.
If you had to guess as to what kind of people would have the terrible and insane personal resentment of John Kennedy as to attempt to shoot him probably the initial guess would have been that it would have been someone on the lunatic right. If Lee Oswald didn’t do- did indeed do it, you’ve got the spectacle of a of it being a man who is on the lunatic left. I suppose that it is probably true in the case of most assassinations of national leaders. (licks mouth 6:26/10:53)

I get the impression Harry is trying to say that the assassin is an assassin who has killed before
who takes on many forms, many disguises,

many shells

such as the JACKAL!
He has plenty to choose from.
I wrote a bit about him who I believe is the man hiding his face with his Jack-et in a post called:

Rev. Wilkerson, Evangelicalism

and the

Covenant With Many

Billy Graham

pretty creepy

closeup from a picture found at BGEA and looks eerily  like a young Rev. David Wilkerson

In the article above illustrates Billy Graham’s talent to mirror or mutate his appearance to those around him.

Below is an article and picture of a man who is thought  to be the jackal

who looks a lot like Billy Graham

David Sánchez


“During that operation he acquired a reputation as the

CIA’s top assassin in Latin America.”

I would say he must have been their secret weapon! 

But the man who actually does this kind of murder is not normally a great leader or a or a strong characterl; he tends to be a lunatic.

 I would suspect that would apply whether it was the Arch Duke in 1914, or the man who shot McKinnley, or the man who shot President Garfield who was just a job seeker who had no political philosophy, or the man who shot President Lincoln- John Wilkes Booth who certainly had no coherent idea of what he was doing. The man who attempted to shoot President Roosevelt and did kill the Mayor of Chicago in 1932. Anyone no matter how opposed to a national leader (licks mouth 7:09/10:53)  if he has intelligence and character does not take this kind of way to express his opposition.

And now for a new report we’re going to switch to George Herman in the White House. pause.

We’ll hold off for a little while in the switch to George Herman. tongue. (licks 7:32/10:53) 

We were talking about the kind of day it was, this day which now automatically becomes one of the major days in American history. It was raining in the morning when the President got up and walked bare-headed and without a coat through the rain into a parking lot across the street from Fort Worth’s Hotel Texas. You may remember that all through his political career they had trouble getting him to get a hat on or get a coat on. (tongue 7:57/10:53) At one, at sometimes he carried a hat in respect to the hat makers of Danbury Connecticutt who had objected to of having the President of the United States to appear frequently and normally without a hat, was not good for their business. He was perfectly willing to help out by carrying one, but even at his innaugeration he had trouble keeping his top hat on.

He spoke this morning bare-headed with a without a coat to a cheering throng of Democrats who could not get tickets to see him at a breakfast appearance. Mrs. Kennedy was not with him then. He said that she was organizing herself, it takes longer. Later they went to breakfast. The breakfast was sponsored by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Kennedy walked in some minutes late. It was her entrance that brought tremendous applause from some 2500 guests.

More news of cancellations is coming in: In St. Louis, Republicans have cancelled their Mid Western Regional Workshop Meeting today in the wake of President Kennedy’s assassination. Representative William Miller who is National Chairman of the Republicans called the shooting a national tragedy. He said, we are all Americans, before we are Republicans or Democrats.” That’s the tenor of the statements that we’ve been hearing today.

Now, I believe we are ready to go to Washington to to George Herman at the White House.


The flag at the White House was lowered to half-mast around mid-afternoon. The church across the square, St. Johns Episcopal Church began tolling it’s bell solemnly and quietly, one toll every fifteen or twenty seconds. A small group of people began to gather in Lafayette Park and ropes were thrown up to hold them in position so that the sidewalks could still be used. They watched the White House waiting to see who would come and who would go, but so far all has been quiet at the White House except for the visits of some sub-Cabinet officials who’ve come here to discuss arrangements.

Sargent Shriver the President’s brother-in-law came to the White House to be with the President’s children under the care of Maude Shaw (the nanny).

(woman turns around as he says Maude Shaw)

So far as we know the children still have not been told.

The arrangements for the funeral are also under the control so far of Sargent Shriver.

The arrangements at the  moment are these: The President’s body will be taken from the plane at Andrews Air Force Base and taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital for the night. It will lie in Repose in the East Room, the huge gold and white East Room, the Ballroom, the formal room of the White House tomorrow from 10:00 o’clock in the morning until 6:00 o’clock at night. The family will have the first hour from ten to eleven to view the body of the President. At 11:00 o’clock President Johnson, the Speaker McCormack, former Presidents of the United States, and members of the Federal J of the uh the Federal Government the Executive Branch those who hold Presidential appointments. At 2:00 o’clock the Supreme Court and the members of the Federal Judiciary will be allowed to see the body. At 2:30 members of the Senate, of the House of Representatives, the Governors of the fifty states and of the territories. At 5:00 o’clock this afternoon the Diplomatic corp may pay their respects of the nations around the world to the body of the President.




Of more immediate importance President Johnson will fly here by helicopter from Andrews Air Force Base as President Kennedy has done so many times before. He will meet almost at once with Defense Secretary McNamara and with McGeorge Bundy who has been President Kennedy’s advisor on National Security matters. This will therefore be probably his first briefing on the state-of-the-world, the problems which he faces all around the globe as he takes over the reins of the Presidency. And at 8:00 o’clock President Johnson will meet with the bi-partisan leaders, the leaders of the House of Representatives, of the Senate, the leaders of both parties, to discuss with them what steps can be taken by the Congress right away. The events of tomorrow, the events of the day after, are still being planned. The proper protocol being checked out as events move here at the White House, move with leaden slowness.

This is George Herman at the White House.


Back to Harry Reasoner

(…..garbled but I think Harry Reasoner says: As Noted) CBS News is going to stay on the air live throughout this day to keep you up-to-the-minute on the latest developments on the assassination of President Kennedy. There will be no commercial announcements or entertainment programing on CBS television or radio until after the President’s funeral.

Reaction from groups who did not get along particularly well with President Kennedy during his life are coming in.

East German Communist Leader Walter Albrick announced tonight that he had learned the news of President Kennedy’s death with sadness and with deep indignation. He expressed sympathy for the American people who had lost what he called one of their most outstanding statesmen.

Uh, among the ordinary people of East Berlin their reaction was one of shock and horror. One taxi driver said, “A great pity we all liked him so much.”

In Moscow, Foreign Minister Gromicko telephon telephoned our Ambassador Foyt Coller to express his shock and the greatest sympathy for the American people.

A US Embassy Spokesman said that official condolences will be conveyed later at the highest level, adding that he thought Premier Nikita Kruschev would make his condolences public tomorrow morning.

Communist leaders are aware of probably more than Democratic leaders of the danger of assassination, although in the very nature of things they take steps to protect themselves from it in a way Democratic leaders can’t. It’s been said often in history that anyone who is seriously determined could kill the President of the United States and is willing to lose his own life as a result, can do it. That was proven again today. No matter how careful of protection, if the President is going to go among the people, he gives the people a chance to strike him down. It has happened in American history a number of times.

George Herman gave the details on the …what is known so far about what is going to happen of the body of President Kennedy tomorrow, (licks)

it’s going to be flown tonight when it arrives in Washington, it’s going to be taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Tomorrow, it will Lie in Repose at the White House to be viewed by mourning members of the Kennedy family and high officials of this government. The general public will not be admitted tomorrow. It will be on view in the White House tomorrow from 10:00 o’clock until 6:00 o’clock. At 10:00 o’clock the late President’s family will look at it. At 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon: President Johnson, the Speaker of the House, John McCormack, who is now next in succession to the Presidency, former Presidents, and members of the Executive Branch holding Presidential Appointments.

Interrupt that for a moment President Lyndon Johnson has arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He arrived at 5:58 Eastern Standard Time aboard the Air Force jet which also carried the body of John Kennedy. This is film or tape of that arrival. (Someone in background yells it is live, live, live) 

It is live! It is live right now with the plane coming in.

(garbled) jet engine almost drowned us out. This is one of the most unique and tragic moments in the history of Andrews Air Force Base. A field that is used to welcoming the arrival of Presidents and Kings and Prime Ministers and men like Kruschev and all the rest. But this time it has the sad or still historic journey assigned to bring back to Washington the body of President Kennedy who was assassinated in Texas earlier today.

Now a central ramp is moving now toward the Presidential Door which is the last one in the plane. It is a ramp which is covered and I think that the remains of President Kennedy will be moved out in that ramp. The ramp is now moving up close to the back door of the Presidential Plane. Up in the front of the plane we can see the rest of the party coming off. And we understand that President Johnson, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Johnson and other members of the party are coming off from there. But from our vantage point we can’t make out any officials at this time.

Also at Andrews Air Force Base right now are members of Congress, a special congressional delegation, out here to greet the new President and to express the nations grief for the untimely assassination of President Kennedy.

We’re informed there will be a special bi-partisan Congressional meeting at 7:00 or 7:30 this evening at the White House with President Johnson meeting with legislative leaders from both Republican and Democratic parties.

But now we’re going through the sad moment of watching a turnover in government at the highest office. And former Vice President Lyndon Johnson now the President of the United States returns to Washington with the body, with the remains of his former Chief Executive.

We’ve been told that President Johnson can be expected to make a few brief comments before he leaves the airport.

And now we can see what we believe to be a coffin carrying the body of President Kennedy being moved from Air Force One onto a special enclosed ramp, a mobile ramp, which was drawn up to the back door. Yes, we can make out the casket now. A very solemn group of officials huddled down at the bottom of that ramp. We can make out Dave Powers a long time friend of former President Kennedy. A friendship that goes back to the days when Mr. Kennedy was then aspiring to be a first term member of the House of Representatives.

Now an Honor Guard slowly paces up the step on the ground below the enclosed ramp which contains the remains of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Off to one side we see Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara faithfully conferring with an aide, with General Maxwell Taylor.

Now the ramp is being slowly lowered to the ground containing the casket. And a grey US Navy Ambulance has pulled into sight and is now directly in front of the ramp in which the casket still rests. There is some confusion here at the moment which is understandable. This tragic day could not be rehearsed.

We still have not seen President Johnson’s wife or Mrs. Kennedy. Perhaps they …..

This is a scene at Andrews Air Force Base with a casket of, carrying the body of President Kennedy is being transferred to an ambulance.

Behind it comes Mrs. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

 Bell rings 4 times in background!

They are to ride in the ambulance presumably to Bethesda Hospital where the body will remain for the night. The one plane Air Force One carried the body, the new President, and the mourning wife.

Bell rings 4-5 times again like a cadence which by the way

 [from Old French, from Old Italian cadenza, literally:

a falling, from Latin cadere to fall]

It’s a Navy ambulance carrying the body and Mrs. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy to Bethesda Hospital.

We have not yet seen President Johnson. It’s expected that he will make a public appearance and a statement here at Andrews Air Force Base.

It seems to be a Guard of Honor to welcome the new President of the United States.

 I heard an owl hooting about 5 times outside my window!

Odd coincidence Bethesda and Bethsaida

(of the bible.)

July 17, 2012 Posted by | Assassination of JFK, Aurora, Bain scandal, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, beware don’t you listen to the words. The tender lies…., Beware Oh brother, Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Cardinal Cushing, Climate change, Dark Knight, Energy Crisis, Energy Security, Evangelism, Field of blood, Fox News, Gabrielle Giffords, Hillary Clinton, Jack Ready, Jackie Kennedy, Jackie Onassis, Jessica Ghawi, Jessica Redfield, JFK, MATTHEW ROZSA, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism, Romney Bain Capital Scandal, Secret Service, Senator Kennedy, Synoptic Gospel, Ted Nugent, The Gospel of John, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment