CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

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CBS News and JFK (Closing the Case) Parts 56-58


Dan Rather: Did you know the man Jack Ruby. Do you know him?

Eddie Barker: I have met him yes. He’s been around a long time. He had the one violation here uh a state liquor law violation for selling beer after hours in 1955, December 1955.

Dan Rather: I understand he came to Dallas from Chicago in 1948.

EddieBarker: That’s correct. He was born in Chicago in 1911.

Dan Rather: Is this the only uh Police Record that he had here?

Eddie Barker: This is the only record we have been able to run down to this time, however a further check may bring up something else, but the only record that we were able to run down on him so far, is the liquor law violation in 1955.

Dan Rather: We have some notes gathered from CBS Newsmen in the field

Eddie Barker: Incidently I might say that he has a sister here that uh

Dan Rather: I was just going to say that uh we have someone, either on your staff or ours, has spoken with Mrs. Eva Grant who is a sister to Jack Rubenstein. Mrs. Grant uh describes her brother as a very uh patriotic sort of man uh with no particular political leanings other than he was always um very out spoken for the man who was President at any particular time. And I think she made the point that he was is a very pro Kennedy but he had been very pro Eisenhower, for that matter. And that she also said that he was quite upset about the assassination of President Kennedy on Friday. He had closed both of his clubs, that is the Vegas Club which we understand he owned and The Carousel Club which I believe he operated. Someone else owns it is our understanding. She said he was a very generous uh man, but also extremely outgoing, uh extroverted. And that’s the picture we have on Jack Rubenstein at the moment.

I wonder who owns The Carousel Club?

That’s the story from Dallas on the assassination of the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy.

This is Dan Rather with Eddie Barker in Dallas. Back now to CBS News Headquarters in New York:


The doctors at Parkland Hospital said that the single shot could scarcely have done more damage to a body than that shot did to Lee Harvey Oswald. It penetrated his spleen, his pancreas, the aorta, the kidney and the liver. A massive injury and massive bleeding also led to his death. The Justice Department has dispatched an Assistant Attorney General Jack Miller to Dallas to confer further there with police authorities. They say at the moment they do not know how they will treat the case whether they will look for further suspects now or consider the case closed now that Oswald himself is dead.

There ya go!

That is what the assassination of the man who assassinated JFK is all about.


And we just have a bulletin in here that says Police have arrested a roommate of night club owner Jack Ruby. The man identified as George Senator. Senator had appeared voluntarily and was being questioned, but now apparently has been arrested although no charges have been filed. (licks) We don’t know what the significance of that bulletin is as yet.

Which is kind of eerie because Lee Harvey Oswald resembles Senator Arlen Spector

who promoted the single bullet theory in the JFK assassination.

Well, what kind of man was this now dead Lee Harvey Oswald?

Harry Reasoner tells us about the accused assassin in this report recorded just before Oswald’s death.

(licks as some man walks by behind him.)


Who is Lee Harvey Oswald who was shot today

this man who Dallas Police say killed John F. Kennedy?

We don’t know the whole story. We may never know the whole story, but we do know that his big passion in life was politics. Leftist politics,

One man who debated him in New Orleans says that Oswald

 spouted communist propaganda  like a machine. 

When the subject changed Oswald was less sure of himself. He faltered. He groped for words.

Physically, a fairly ordinary man, a firm jaw, regular features, straight black hair. He was born in New Orleans in 1939. His father died just before he was born. He was the youngest of three children. The Oswald family moved several times in the next few years. First, in Ft. Worth Texas, then to New York. Then in 1953 back to New Orleans. They lived first on this block on French Street, a neighborhood of neat level houses on a broad street.

An ant lived nearby.

(Funny,  I have an aunt named Patsy that lived nearby. It is a southern name, I think.)

One of Billy Graham’s ants, or was Oswald one also? An ANT that is.

I say that because Billy Graham is involved and was at the airport in Dallas

disguised as a Secret Service Agent Jack Ready

the day Kennedy was assassinated and because of the

Parable about the Ant

related by Benny Hinn is about

an ant and the Creator

created by Billy Graham. WHO IS NOT!

Anyway the you tube about his parable is nested in my article which I hope you will read called:

Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words.

The tender lies….

Also, here is the another post about Billy Graham at the airport the day of the assassination of JFK

which I hope you will read which is linked and is called:

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism


Oswald was enrolled at Beauregard Jr. High School and his records there indicate

that he was a poor student making his best grades in Art courses and Civics.

Just before he graduated from Jr. High the family moved to Exchange Place in the Old French Quarters in New Orleans. This is a short run down street.

Oh please…

so the street on

which he lived makes him an assassin?

He and his mother occupied a small apartment over a Pool Hall. The rest of the street is dotted with bars, a barber shop a novelty store. At about the same time Oswald filled out a personal history sheet in school.

This is scary!



School district policy on sunscreen questioned after two girls burned



So that’s what those personal history sheets are for that our children fill out at PUBLIC SCHOOLs

to make conclusions about their character

just in case they are an alleged criminal someday

and before they have representation.

He said he had two brothers, but he listed no names. He said he was a Lutheran, but he listed no church where he attended. He said he planned to enter the military service or to become a draftsman. He liked reading and outdoor sports, especially football. One question asked if he had any personal friends. He said no. Oswald was only enrolled in Eastland Highschool for about a month when the family moved back to Ft. Worth Texas, but several girls now married women who attended Jumior High School with him remember him.

A: He’s just very very quiet and kept to himself. He was in my home room, but I don’t remember much about him because he wasn’t very personable. He didn’t seem to get along with everybody. Talk alot.

Q: (garbled) he did best in in Civics and Art while he was at Beauregard. And we we a lot of times associate an artist with a with a non-conformist. A person who doesn’t dress or act like other people. Did did this kind of fit the description of uh Lee Oswald?

A: Yes, it did. He was kind of like well he was like an odd ball. He just didn’t mix with those other kids in school.

Q: Do any of you uh ever remember him having any difficulties in class with any of his teachers? Did he uh did he seem to get a long with all of his teachers or was he a belligerent person in class? Did he argue with teachers?

A: No. He more or less kind of wanted to do things for ‘em. Don’t you think he was that type?

A: Yea.

A: What I remember I mean he was a good student and wasn’t a trouble maker.

A: He seemed more like a book worm. All of the ladies nod and say yes and agree.

Q: While he mentioned also in his history record that he he liked to read a lot. Did he, did uh, did he carry a lot of books? Did you ever notice him carrying a lot of books, more books than other students, for example?

All three say: no

A: Usually (I think is what she said) a book to take to class…

Q: Alright there has been uh a couple of people in the city who uh knew Lee Oswald after he he grew up when he came back to New Orleans and they said that they almost immediately knew that it was Lee Oswald who had had assassinated the President. I I realize uh at 14 years old it’s probably a little early to form an opinion, but uh did the Lee Oswald who attended Beauregard Jr. High seem to be the the type of a person who would uh commit such an act?

A: No, but like they say thats the ones you have to watch, the quiet ones, and you don’t know what they’re going to do. He didn’t seem like it then.

A: I  I can never remember him just laughing or smiling. He always just sort of smirked, tight lipped.



Back to Harry Reasoner:

By all accounts Oswald was a loner. He himself said he had no close friends. The girls didn’t remember anyone who was particularity  close to him. But there was one young student Edward Vogel who went out of his way to befriend Oswald and he tells about it:

Q: Would you tell us uh your first encounter as you can recall. This has been what about 8

A: It was about 8 years ago.

Q: Eight years ago? Tell us about it.

A: Uh, uh well I. He came in uh Beauregard’s mid-semester and uh he had uh a fight with a couple of boys and that’s how I first uh saw him. And uh as the the next day he uh someone had punched him in the mouth, but uh Oswald didn’t know, I didn’t know uh and I don’t think the boy even know him, knew him. Uh, I think these boys that he had a fight with them put this other guy up to punch him in the mouth to get back at him because Oswald uh did beat the other boy. And uh Oswald was laying down on the ground and I ran up to him and I think a couple other boys did too and we brought him back into school and uh washed his mouth off and put some uh cold compresses on his mouth.

Q: And and this is uh more or less the start of a friendship between you and Oswald at that time?

A: Well, that’s when we first met uh was when this happened.

Q: And uh what type of boy was he at 15? I understand that this was about the age of of that year?

A: Well, uh he didn’t uh seem to mix to well with the uh the rest of the boys or the girls and anyone there at the school. He didn’t seem to have any uh friends. He didn’t seem to be really interested in anything uh. He didn’t participate in any extra-curricular activities. Uh he was just a loner, it seemed like. licks 9:38/10:28

Q: I’ll tell you one one reason I’m concerned about the age of uh 15 and this reportedly is when uh Oswald first became interested or came in contact with the Marxist Theory. Now did he at any time during your relationship with him did he mention anything about his readings of uh uh Leftist or Marxist uh uh literature?

A: No, he (clears throat) he didn’t mention uh anything at all about uh any politics or socialism, communism, marxism or anything and I don’t believe that’s true. I don’t believe he had any really basic ideas on uh marxism or anything at 15 years of life. I think uh that came later somewhere along the line because uh he never mentioned anything like that to me at all. licks again

Q: Now in in…

(Kind of a mix between Dan Rather and Arlen Spector with rings under his eyes, for that matter)

(This guy interviewing the young man named Ed Vogel a supposed friend of Oswald looks quite a bit like Senator Spector also. Weird!

Kind of a mix between Dan Rather and Arlen Spector with rings under his eyes, for that matter)

SPEAKING OF ARLEN SPECTOR, I HAD NO IDEA HE HAD DIED on the 14th of October, coincidentally the same year as the anniversary of the assassination of JFK.  Just saw this article on Fox News:

Former Senator Specter to be laid to rest in Pennsylvania

Published October 16, 2012

“Specter had won his Senate seat in the Reagan landslide of 1980 and, as one of the Senate’s sharpest legal minds, took part in 14 Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Earlier in his career, he had served as counsel to the Warren Commission investigating Kennedy’s death, and prosecuted Teamsters officials in Philadelphia as an assistant district attorney.”

Karen Heller: Arlen Specter was the last politician of his kind

“Here was a Republican who supported abortion rights and stem-cell research.”
I wonder if the two are related?

Arlen Spector was the first to float the one bullet theory coverup.

Another odd coincidence, Jessica Ghawi conversed with a man whose name was Spector

before she was murdered at the theater in Aurora, Colorado this year which is another mystery like the Benghazi affair in Libya which is now in Hillary’s buck.


Clinton takes responsibility for consulate security,

blames confusion on ‘fog of war’

Published October 16, 2012


Rice Pins Faulty Libya Story on Intel

Then there is that list stolen in that attack in Libya and a mysterious list, the Lagard list, that appeared recently with the names of rich Greek depositors owning Swiss bank accounts, two of which have died of mysterious causes recently. Not to mention that the Ambassador to Libya Christ Stevens does not even look like the man being dragged around near death by supposed Libyan protestors, even though there really wasn’t a protest about a dumb movie.

Ambassador Chris Stevens hair is quite different then the hair and forehead of the man being dragged around.

Ambassador Chris Stevens had just returned from a trip in Europe and the Netherlands.

I have a sneakin’ suspicion he was a member of the secretive organization Opus Dei of the Vatican and probably friends of Georg Ganswein, Secretary to Pope Benedict XVl.

Another interesting note one of those four horsemen newsmen died recently this year. Can’t remember which one and am too lazy to look it up at this moment.

Drought, hail, cold conspire to turn European wine grape harvest in worst in half a century


Please check out an interesting article:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion



Q: Now in in talking uh earlier before this interview you had mentioned you had been to his house. Could you tell tell us a little about his home life?

A: Well, he uh when I knew him he lived in Exchange Alley I think it was 126 Ex Exchange Place or Alley. Uh it was small apartmen(says in an northeastern accent) and it lived above above the pool rooms and uh in that area there’s nothing but pool rooms and bar rooms and it’s almost a skid row. It’s a very bad uh neighborhood.

licks again 0:43/10:33

Q: Well this uh was before or after his father died?

A: Oh, this his father, from what I understand dying when he was very young and uh this was after I think he had moved to Texas and after his father had died his mother brought him to Texas and he came back here again and this was his second time in New Orleans.

Q: Any sort of uh as I understand it blamed the world for his his uh problems? Isn’t that what you mentioned earlier?

A: Well, uh it seemed that way to me after I at the time I didn’t uh uh have any basic opinions why he was a little different then uh uh most of us uh it didn’t uh enter my mind at all uh. I uh sort of liked him and that uh because he wasn’t exactly the general run-of-the-mill that I had known at school. Uh he was a little above them, he seemed to be at least even though he was, he came from a a poor family. that’s sayin he wasn’t exactly a roughie. He just had a little something about him that was just a little different from the average ruffian that I had know at that school.

The young man looks and acts and talks like he is in a trance, sedated,

as if he were on pain pills. 

His eyes are in a daze, and glassy eyed.

He is out of it and not in control of his senses.

Not included in CBS News series is a WFAA interview of a doctor who worked on Oswald which I have included. He licks often. 


This is just in the first 3 or so minutes of this interview the amount of licking and sticking out of the tongue is unusual. But it is not unusual in this coverage of the JFK Assassination. However I did notice it when the cop or chief in LA was talking about the investigation of Natalie Wood that he seemed to do the same as well as Billy Graham when being interviewed and Jackie Kennedy. like

Is it a form of slavery or a sign of enslavement?


Oswald returned to New Orleans in May of this year. In the interim he had served in the Marine Corps with a bad record. He had also gone to Russia where he announced that he was going to become a Russian citizen but he then changed his mind and returned to this country with a Russian wife. He, his wife and their small child rented an apartment on Magazine Street in New Orleans and Oswald apparently devoted a good deal of time to the New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee a Pro-Castro Organization of which he was local Chairman.

Last August 16th Oswald and an unidentified young man distributed pamphlets promoting the Fair Play For Cuba Committee on a New Orleans street corner.Not too many people seemed interested. A week before Oswald got in a fight with Cuban Exiles because of the leaflets and was charged with disturbing the peace. He listed his occupation at the time as a mechanic and he was released after paying a $10 fine. At about this time Oswald sent his wife and the young child to live with his mother in Texas, then in the middle of the night he himself left leaving unpaid a half months rent.

His movements since then are not known to us until Friday morning when it is known that he was in the building in which the fatal shots were fired at John F. Kennedy.

Of course, didn’t he have a job at the School Book Depository?

And that, of course, was just two days before Oswald’s death.


Walter Cronkite:

That uh film that  you saw was provided to us by our affiliate in New Orleans WWL TV, We might make note here now that CBS News is going to continue broadcasting these special events today and throughout the National Day of Mourning tomorrow CBS Television will not resume it’s normal programming until Tuesday.

Recounting again the events of another dramatic day in these series of dramatic days. Lee Harvey Oswald the 24 year old Pro Marxist Pro Castrolite to Dallas police accused of assassinating President Kennedy and of shooting Governor John Connally of Texas who is recovering today in Parkland Hospital himself was shot in the Dallas Police Station today by a man police have identified as Jack Rubenstein, a Dallas Night club operator 52 year old bachelor with no known political affiliations.

Here is the picture copyrighted by the Dallas Morning News and Service by the Associated Press which was taken a split second before the man identified as Ruby fired the shot as Lee Oswald  you see there was being led from an elevator to an armored car, a special armored car which had been ordered to try to transfer him safely to the County Jail a few blocks away.

They paraded him about the Press so that he could show his bruise and talk about unfair lack of representation etc.

It was a show to

veil the Press,



involvement of the Vatican ll and it’s followers

Neocats of the Neocatechumenal Way

and the majority of Christians including the Warrens and it’s mission

in the assassination of JFK.

Why not leave him in the City Jail? The angle of the picture was absolutely perfect for a good shot of this dastardly deed as if someone knew it would occur ahead of time,

that or the photographer was really tall.

Obviously,  the perfect set up for the perfect shot for the perfect end.

 Case Closed!

This was an act.

SO we don’t axt any more about the JFK assassination.

Instead of trying to get a great photo a split second before it would have been samaritan-like to try to stop Jack Ruby. If you have the where-with-all to snap a picture without shaking and blurring the photo as most people would have done in a time like this it might have been heroic to try to protect the prisoner for the sake of humanity and the integrity of justice, well hopefully anyway.

But then this may have been justice a clever ruse anyway.

Oswald did not regain conciousness. He shouted Oh Oh and fell to the floor taken to Parkland Hospital where he died an hour and fifteen minutes later. He had never uh admitted to the police the charge lodged against him that he was the assassin of President Kennedy. Let’s look at a Keniscope slow motion replay of the murder as captured by CBS Television cameras. (5:18/10:33-a play-by-play description by Walter Cronkite of Oswald’s assassination which can be viewed at the settings given on the video-tape of Part 57.

If you take the time to do this,

please compare the angle of the film to the angle of the picture above:)

This is the basement of the Dallas Jail. The figure you see immediately in front of you uh is blocking a view of the elevator out of which Oswald is to be led. Now that figure steps back. It is from this side from near the camera that you will see the man police say was Jack Rubenstein known locally as Jack Ruby will appear. Police had cordoned off the Dallas City Jail, taken extraordinary precaution against any threat against Oswald’s life, but somehow Jack Ruby who was known to most of the police as a prominent nightclub operator got into the building and then shot Oswald according to the charge. So if he is convicted of that charge it will be 52 year old Jack Ruby who may make the trip through the green door at Huntsville’s Death Chamber in Texas rather than Lee Harvey Oswald, if he had been convicted of the charge lodged against him of killing the President of the United States. Newsmen coming forward, cameramen to get their pictures. Radio and television reporters in the scene. There where you see the lights at the end of the corridor is where the elevator doors would open to permit Oswald and his guard to come down this short corridor to the armored car parked just to the left at the entrance to the garage.

There had been some question raised in Dallas as to what turns out to be an unfortunate decision to have used an armored car instead of a normal Police Patrol Wagon which could have been backed right up to the elevator door practically and would have perhaps prevented this shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, the shooting which forever sealed his lips and may have prevented police from ever getting the full story of what was behind the assassination of the President of the United States.

Now we should be seeing Oswald very shortly emerging in the right of the screen there. THERE is the MAN IDENTIFIED AS THE ASSASSIN JACK RUBY THEY SAY, THE MAN IN THE GREY HAT CROUCHING COMING RIGHT IN FRONT OF OSWALD AND LUNGING FORWARD FIRING HIS SHOT FROM A FOOT AWAY. POLICE OFFICERS CLOSE IN BUT THE FATAL SHOT HAS BEEN FIRED all they can do now is capture the murderer. Oswald himself crumples to the floor pitching forward with a bullet through his lower ab abdomen that pierced most of his vital organs. You see him now on the floor. The police crowded around the man they have identified as Ruby. That is Oswald on the floor and disappearing now over to the right, the murderer. He was pushed almost instantly back down the corridor into the elevator and taken up to the City Jail. All of this slow motion you see took place of course in the matter of a few seconds. The small caliber revolver that fired the shot was held so closely by the murderer and was fired so closely to the to Oswald that the shot scarcely was heard even in that cement corridor in the basement of the Dallas City Jail.

I watched this slow motion Keniscope replay and the picture above could not have been acquired by this film.

 So the picture above must have

come from another camera source either set up ahead of time

for this momentous shot 

or there was a camera set up already in that garage.

That would explain why there was not a Patty wagon used,

because there would not have been

a momentous shot acquired.

SO the Dallas Morning News and Service by the Associated Press

must have been tipped-off in order to have this famous copyrighted photo

and at the same time protected someones and somethings

other than the truth

and received accolades and who knows what else

for their betrayal.

All I can surmise from that

is the press is controlled by the mob.




Dan Rather:

Walter the slow-downed version you showed there as you mentioned was a Keniscope of the videotape. Now from a somewhat different angle cameraman George Phoenix in Dallas captured the same scene. So let’s look now at the same scene from a somewhat different angle.

Well, this video does not explain the photo of Ruby with the gun a split second before shooting Oswald.

It is still not the right angle

as the photo that Walter Cronkite showed above

that was copyrighted and owned by the

 Dallas Morning News and Service by the Associated Press!

Who owns this paper or company?


The Dallas Morning News


George Bannerman Dealey (1859–1946) was a Dallas, Texas, businessman.

“Dealey was the long-time publisher of The Dallas Morning News. He used his influence to accomplish many goals but will always be remembered primarily for one of them. He crusaded for the redevelopment of a particularly blighted area near downtown Dallas. When the redevelopment, involving a large square located at the intersection of three major avenues, was completed, it was named Dealey Plaza in his honor. This site became known worldwide when, on November 22, 1963,President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while his motorcade drove through Dealey Plaza.”


Dan Rather continues:

Keep your eye on the hat, the man in the hat. There’s Oswald emerging through the doorway in a dark sweater accompanied by an officer and a western style hat. Now the THE HAT begins to move. A muffled shot rings out. There’s the man the lower right hand portion of the screen. Oswald groaned just barely audibly and police moved in quickly on the man who fired the shot. Oswald lay crumpled on the floor while Police subdued the man in the hat with the pistol. As soon as the man who fired the shot was uh wrestled away from Lee Oswald he was hustled immediately back in the Police Station, that is back in the main portion of the Police Station.

The shooting occurred in the very basement of the Dallas Police Station and the City Jail. More and more reports coming in from friends of Jack Rubenstein who used the name Jack Ruby as a night club operator and owner here in Dallas. A very close friend of Ruby told CBS News just a few minutes ago that Ruby would have been among the last people in the world they would have thought would have fired a shot at anyone. He was described by this close associate as he was described earlier by his sister who lives here in Dallas as an outgoing extroverted man, not a wealthy man. A man who owned one nightclub The Vegas and who reportedly owned The Vegas. He operated The Carousel Nightclub. Rubenstein was quite well known by a number of Dallas Police Officers

and the unanswered question at this moment

is how Rubenstein got in to the basement of the Police Station under the tight security. Uh the answers seem to be that Rubenstein was so well known by Dallas Police Officers that no one even took special note of his presense. He had been in the Police Station for the last several days. He had been around uh passing out cards,offering reporters drinks uh saying “Come on over to my place”, uh “We’re glad to have you in Dallas”, “Hope you come over and make yourself at home.” He’d been hanging around the Police station and uh around the corridor outside where the questioning of Lee Harvey Oswald had been underway um for the past 24 to 36 hoursand therefore uh it seems to be that his presence in the basement this morning caused no particular concerns simply because he was so well known by a number of officers. (And reporters:) 

My question is:  

Did Jack Ruby have a Press Pass?

The clergy around the airport where JFK arrived a half hour before he was assassinated

obviously had Press passes

so why not Jack Ruby.

Uh the one of the Police officers interviewed immediately after the shooting uh before it was known who did the shooting said uh “I saw the man who did the shooting. He is known to me. I know who he is.” So that’s possibly the explanation of how Jack Rubenstein got in to the very tight security ring that had been placed around the whole area to which Lee Oswald was to have walked.

But that is not what the man known as Tommy Lee Jones

(the actor that stars in the movie Men in Black)

said in the “live” film at the garage of the City Jail in Dallas on the you tube above in this post.

He is being misquoted as far as I know to some degree. The interview at the garage of a Police Officer is very confusing because there are a number of people asking questions at the same time and it was very hard to determine which questions his answers pertained to and what he meant by those answers.  I would say that the interview by the press of the officer was incomplete because of the chaos. Whether there was an interview of the Police Officer later on that Dan Rather is referring to I have no idea. Maybe the interview of the Police Officer has been edited leaving out important information.

Also I could not hear some of the questions asked to include in this portion. He may have been answering a question not heard. It was very disorganized and chaotic having just occurred soon after Oswalds assassination….I think ,

if it really happened. 


Obviously, from what Dan Rather says everyone knew Ruby around the Police Station,

including the reporters.

Isn’t that what Dan Rather just said?

So why is he pinning recognition of Ruby on one man, the Police Officer?

I highly doubt if that officer were responsible for Ruby’s presence he would say what he said

and implicate himself unless he is a dunce;) or playing a dunce.

But honestly I would venture

he the Police officer was being forthright

and Dan Rather is trying to find

a patsy,

for some reason.

This reminds me of the comedy The Princess Bride (one of my favorites) where two men are drinking and switching drinks around one of which is poison and playing Russian Roulette with that poison and the thought processes of one of the villains. 

This is Dan Rather in Dallas. Back now to CBS News Headquarters in New York.


Walter Cronkite:

And uh word also in just now from Dallas that Homicide Chief Captain Will Fritz who had been one of those in charge of interrogation of of Lee Oswald has now said that the case of President Kennedy’s assassination is now closed with the death of Oswald. That’s the opinion of the Police officer in Dallas. It may not be the opinion of the Secret Service or the  Federal Bureau of Investigation. A uh Special US District Attorney uh is flying to Dallas and is going to confer down there with officials. The Dallas Police have placed under arrest we have been told Lee the uh Jack Ruby’s roommate and presumably interrogation as to what precisely motivated Ruby will continue.

The death of Lee Oswald came uh almost to the moment 48 hours after President Kennedy the man he was accused of assassinating died in the same Parkland Hospital where Lee Oswald’s life expired. It came also almost the moment that Eulogies were being said over the casket of President Kennedy in the Great Rotunda Hall of the Capitol in Washington. We will go back now to Washington.

The thousands of Americans still file by the catafalque of the late President in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building here in Washington.

Outside on the East Front the line of

mourners that is to pass through the Rotunda has thickened. Although the crowd that once occupied the grass, the lawns, the East Front of the Plaza itself have uh thinned out. There all concentrated in this one single line. The line is fed from both ends of the Capitol Building from the House Wing, the Senate Wing in the shape of a GIANT M first heading back to the Supreme Court then doubling back straight at the East Front. Blue coated Policemen still stand at parade rests along the curb stones that make their pattern along the Plaza. Those arches lead into the House Wing.

Who planned this design? JacQUELine?

Was the “M” symbolic for Mary or St. Matthew, or both?

Don’t forget that Bishop Butler

who I think was at the airport in Dallas dressed as a pilot the day of the assassination of JFK (along with the press, clergy, photographers, diplomats, and Secret Service entourage )

and was defender of the priority of the Gospel of Matthew

at Vatican ll in 1963.

Here are two articles linked about the priority of the gospel of Matthew and it’s folly:

Prophecy of Esaias

Matthew 13:10-17

10And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?11He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

“……..Then why bother talking to them in parables!

Does that make any sense? Why gather people about you and talk so they don’t understand?”…….

Click on link above to read the rest.

Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man



Jack comes from the name Jacob. 

You know, it depends upon which direction you view that GIANT  ”M”

It very well could be a GIANT “W” for Jacob’s Well.

According to the schedule this signals the change of the guard.

Marine, an Air Force enlisted man, a Sailor, and a Soldier.

They salute.

Raise and lower their rifles.

I know their is a military term for that but I don’t know what it is off hand even though I’m a military brat. I think it is

a farewell with honor.




President Kennedy served for a 1000 days.


2 Peter 3:8

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,

one day is with the Lord

as a thousand years,

and a thousand years as one day.”



I think this is a good place to end this page, but will continue to Part 6:

CBS News and JFK Part 6

July 3, 2012 Posted by | Abraham Lincoln, AMEN, Arlen Spector, Assassination of JFK, Associated Press, beware don’t you listen to the words. The tender lies…., Billy Graham, Dallas Morning News, Dan Rather, Jack Ready, JFK, Military Guard, Mob, Neocatechumenal Way, Neocats, Parable of the Ant, Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism, Secret Service, Senator Spector, Synoptic Gospel, Uncategorized, Vatican ll, Walter Cronkite, Washington D.C. | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment