CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

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CBS News and JFK (The Great White Way) Parts 37-38


For the reaction of some Dallasites here is CBS Newsman Nelson Benton:
-This is the corner of Elm and Akard Street in Dallas, Texas late afternoon and these are average citizens of Dallas, Texas.
Could we ask your reaction to the President’s death.
(someone in background says Hey in a VERY weird voice)

–Well, uh we were just horrified when we heard that. Uh, we couldn’t believe that he had been shot. I heard, we were working and uh someone came in and told us that uh (again the light voice saying hey) the President had been shot and we didn’t, we just didn’t believe it. And it we didn’t think that anything like that could happen.

Is this your wife? –Yes it is

May I ask  you what was your reaction? -I just couldn’t believe it. I had only seen him just moments before alive, and then….

You watched the parade? -Yes, I did. It was horrible. (witness?)

How do you think the city of Dallas feels about it? -I think they think its  horrible.

–Everyone I’ve talked to has just, they just cant believe anything like this could happen here.


-Didn’t believe it at first. They came down here to the bank and telling us. And we just didn’t believe it, because we just walked down just a few minutes before it happened.

You were at work at the time? -Yes, I was at work at the time so I I couldn’t believe it.

What was the uh reaction among the people at the bank? -Well, none of us could believe it until we got phone calls from our friends, and relatives, and everything. Hearing it on the radio, and them telling us, and then we came to realize it that it had happened.

We just couldn’t believe it.

Thank you very much.   

Could I talk to you a moment, Ma’am? -Yes

How what is your reaction to the tragic events that occurred here today? – I just can’t believe it. I still can’t. I just can’t believe it.

Where were you when you heard about it? – I was at work.

Had you seen the parade? -No, we hadn’t gone down.

How did you hear about it? -Uh one of – a department head from another department came in said that President Kennedy was dead, and none of us. We just couldn’t believe it.

-Well, when I heard the news I was so stunned and it’s so shocking and I’m still nervous. We lost a good man.


Walter Cronkite in the CBS Studio

In Havana, the Havana radio is reporting the assassination of the President without comment. The announcers appear to be reading a straight copy from the Press Service Wires. They rep they do report that the prime suspect Lee Oswald was Chairman of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, but they’re making no comment on that fact.

In Washington, the death of the President seemed as if someone had pulled the keystone out of the firm arch of government. For reaction from the nation’s capitol here is Roger Mudd:

By the way, Roger Mudd sounds just like Neil Stauuser CBS Correspondent in Washington. Check out part 1 of this series to hear his voice and compare their voices with their faces and you might see that there is a mix up of some kind or deception.


IN THE PAST 97 years Washington has been shocked by the assassination of 3 Presidents,

but today in this era of instantaneous communication the news of ’s death struck so suddenly here it felled the city

as if she had been hit in the solar plexis.

“….pit of the stomach.

A blow to that area, if it penetrates to the true solar plexus,

not only causes great pain,

but may also temporarily halt visceral functioning.

They wanted to cause great pain because

the US did win WWll and Naziism/Fascism was exposed!

Since I do believe time is traveled,

I think this was a “first shot”

having to do with the relevance of the Synoptic Gospels

and specifically the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew

and the deception therein.

The participants involved and noticed at the airport in Dallas are a very good clue to this theory,

the timing of the Vatican ll, and of course, Israel. 

Replacement Theology


degrade men, women, boys and girls

by those that have the foreknowledge to do sow

and the capability to thwart and retard truth

kind of theology for “whatever reason.”

That is my opinion!


On the Senate floor a younger Republican from Kansas whispered blankly: “I feel sick at my stomach.”

The only word Albert Gore of Tennessee could utter was: “Horrible.”

Hubert Humphrey issued a public statement then, but then later told his office staff: “I can’t contain myself. I feel the loss of a part of my own life.”

Aside from President Johnson, probably no elected official inWashington was more deeply affected than the Speaker of the House John McCormack of Massachusetts.

Speaker McCormack the 72year old Democrat from South Boston tonight stands directly behind Lyndon Johnson in succession to the Presidency.

The tragic deaths of President Kennedy is a great loss not only to our country, but to the entire world. President Kennedy was giving to our country and to the free world visionary, sterling, and courageous leadership so necessary during this trying period of the world’s history. The bullet of the assassin has taken from our midst one of the great Americans of all time.

The world, in addition to our country, the people of our country will mourn not only the passing of this great man, but the dastardly manner in which his death took place. I have lost a dear and personal friend. And I and Mrs. McCormack with the rest of the people of the nation mourn the passing of our great President and our outstanding leader. I know that all Americans join with me and Mrs. McCormack in extending to Mrs. Kennedy and the other loved ones of the family of our late President our deepest sympathy in their bereavement.

While he has left us, he takes his place in history. And I know that if he could speak to us from the great beyond that he would say to you and I all Americans whether we occupy official life or not: Carry on and see that your children and your children’s children live under the same form of government that we have today. So from the sacrifices, the leadership to dedicate its service of President Kennedy. Let us renew our confidence in the future of our country. Let us renew our love of our country. And let us go forth determined to follow the spirit of President Kennedy with faith and with confidence, meeting all challenges and all obstacles that might occur, and to lead us to the leadership his spirit of the spirit of the President Kennedy and the leadership of President Johnson to a world peace.

The first report of the shooting of the President reached the Capitol Hill this afternoon shortly before 2:0o o’clock. The House was not in session, but the Senate was considering routine business. Presiding was the President’s younger brother, Senator Edward Kennedy, one of  half a dozen Freshman Democrats who take turns in the presiding officer’s chair. The Call for a Quorum had been issued and the role was being read when Richard Ridell, a Senate employee who serves as Press Liason, spotted the first bulletin in Dallas on the news ticker in the lobby behind the Senate Chamber:

This part is a repeat of the same interview he gave which is found in Part One or two of this transcription with his picture so it should be easy to find and you can check it out for yourself there or on the you tube. I don’t want to waste time retranscribing the same thing. So I will skip past this interview to the next part in this youtube:)

Senator Kennedy then left the Capital immediately, went directly to Andrews Field with his sister Mrs. Sargent Shriver, flew to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts to be with their parents.

On the Senate floor it was 1:55. Majority Leader Mansfield suspended the Quorum Call and recessed the Senate to await the call of the chair. Mansfield and Minority Leader Dirkson then called the White House and stayed in touch with the White House until there was official confirmation that the President had indeed been shot. Mansfield then recalled the Senate and Chaplain Frederick Brown Harris offered a prayer and the Senate adjourned until noon Monday, but not really.

 What in the world?

Obviously, this is a synopsis because how would he know. This is an addendum to what was occurring then and obviously re-edited to spin and ridicule IMO

but to be fair he could be leaving a clue, as well, because he has no other choice.

The Senate just stood there bewildered, aghast, and dumbfounded.

Why did he say that I wonder? See this is what I mean about the twists and turns of the powerful elite who know what is going on but not offering the truth to anyone and mocking in an odd sort of way the reaction of normal human beings. I have used the But Not Really quite often in my writings because of the deception I have encountered and am trying to show through this blog and others, to anyone who will care to care. I am still dumbfounded as to the deception because it is soooo HUGE.  This man is a reporter who mutates therefore not a normal man. He has the capability with his comrades to cloak and deceive normal average men and women to push their agenda with their coup, to quell the truth by deception for whatever reason, keeping mankind down, and women even more so. You know, I don’t mind if someone mutates as long as they let me know. It is unfair, evil, cruel, and demonic to do otherwise. Obviously, he knows that and doesn’t care. Just because you have the power to do so, doesn’t mean that you should.

Around those news tickers in the lobby stood some of the most powerful Senators in Washington listening as Richard Russell of Georgia read aloud to them each word of Dallas as it was laid down by the teletype. Finally, the bulletin that seemed blacker than all the others started moving. President Kennedy is dead.

Then one after the other, the Senators gulped, lowered there eyes, bumped into each other seemingly in a daze.

See what I mean? That is mockery!

The first expressions of grief came from Republican Leader Dirkson of Illinois:

 “There are some things that are simply incredible and leave one absolutely speechless.

This is one of them.”



What interests me is the obvious monumental coverup of this assassination more than anything that has happened in my lifetime and the resulting coverups of the other crimes that are certainly related to this coverup. There are so many things about this assassination that are biblically related besides some of the names of the people involved.

I started researching this assassination when I was writing a post on my blog about the Covenant with Many and it led me to Jackie  Kennedy’s marriage to Aristotle Onassis etc. Then to the Zapruder film which clearly shows Jackie Kennedy with a weapon in her right hand emitting smoke and vapors rising right after the fatal head shot of President Kennedy. Smoke doesn’t emit from bullets, but does emit from a gun.

I noticed a few physical differences between Jackie Kennedy early in their marriage and soon before the assassination. The reason I noticed  these differences is because it was hard for me to believe that she would kill her husband from what I had seen in early pictures and read about her. She was altered somehow or replaced at some point with a double. Not sure which.

We all assume that time only runs forward. I do not assume that anymore. In the bible and specifically in the Gospel of John Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsamane being confronted by a group of men who asked if he was Jesus of Nazareth.

They fell backwards when he said I AM!

I believe the meaning is in time because they did not believe who he was.

There is a verse in the bible about The Son of Man not having anywhere to lay his head. The controversy over whether Jackie Kennedy held John Kennedy’s head in her lap seems to be a point of contention. A BIG ONE. And I believe the reason for this contention is because of the implications of this prophecy and its fulfillment

in JFK and his assassination.

First of all this is a painting of Jackie with President Kennedy on her lap.

Some people said that President Kennedy fell in Jackie Kennedy’s lap when he was fatally shot, yet the film shows otherwise. The Zapruder film. In fact, shows her with something in her hand that emits a vapor after he is shot in the head. Bullets don’t emit a vapor but a weapon does.With great speed and agility she leapt to the trunk of the limo to pick up what I think were two small objects that rolled like a tube of lipstick would roll (sideways) which made me think the objects were cylindrical that is why they stayed on the trunk of the limo. I think there were two of them that she retrieved from the trunk of the car before the Secret Service Agent reached her. I think they were caps or what is ejected from a weapon upon firing.

She said she went to pick up his brain yet she doesn’t remember doing so.

Everyone else is reacting in normal time yet Jackie or her double in the limo at the time is acute, aware, and quick moving comparatively… a machine or robot.

I think when JFK raised his arms right after they pass the Stemmon’s freeway sign is when something went through his body from the back and held him in place and for the purpose so as not to  arouse immediate suspicion of the people in the limo such as John Connally to be assassinated by Jackie with relative ease. The sharp aul went through his back pierced his tie but did not go through it and then retracted through the same entry wound and that is why there is not a normal exit wound as would occur if it were a bullet. That is probably why they did a tracheotomy to make an exit wound or the appearance of an exit wound. If you read Kellerman’s testimony there was a discussion with doctors why and where a bullet went if there was no exit wound. Then a bullet miraculously appeared  later on a stretcher to cover that mistake in this assassination.

I don’t know why witnesses said he laid in her lap unless the film is a fake to implicate her. Which of course is a real possibility.

I think the witnesses were purposefully placed to add credibility and to cover the hit woman who looks very much like Jackie Kennedy yet is not her. That is why they made an alteration in the route of the parade at the last minute so that only a few witnesses would witness this assassination and the ones that were placed would give false testimony. They were seeded so to speak.

But it is possible some witnesses were there by accident also and or because God wanted them there.

It is possible that power of suggestion may be involved in some of the witnesses observances and actions and even Jackie Kennedy. I am not so sure she knew what she was doing. Why? Because right before she does the deed she looks at something in a altered state (seemingly to me anyway) and then she does the assassination.

I think she may have been controlled by something else or under it’s influence and power. 

This is the GREAT DECEPTION that is supposed to occur in the END TIMES.


It has to do with Vatican ll, Israel, Deception of the Mainstream RELIGIONS (Which I believe is all of them.)

IT is worth investigating and taking seriously instead of as mere casual entertainment or tourist attraction.

Minnesotan’s JFK painting bound for Vatican

painting referred to as “Pieta” meaning pity donated to the Vatican

In order for him to be on her lap she would have had to jump back in to her seat on top of the blood that spilled from his head onto the seat and pick up his body to rest upon her lap and she did not do that. Was there blood on the back of her skirt?….I don’t think so. There was blood on the back and front of her legs though and on the lower front part of her skirt..but not her lap!!!!! I think the Zapruder film and the films shown by CBS News of her appearance at the airport with the body of President Kennedy in the coffin provided being transported from the airplane to the Hertz at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland clearly show the blood on her outfit as lower than it would be if his head had laid in her lap. In order for her to have his head in her lap she would have had to sit on the bloody seat and the blood would have transferred to the back of her dress and from what I witnessed of the condition of the car from pictures is a mass of blood on the seat and no imprint of her skirt soaking it up. Here are some still shots from part 2 of this series of Jackie getting off the ramp from Air Force One with the coffin carrying President Kennedy to a vehicle at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. First 3 are the front of her suit and the last two are of her standing and you can view the back of her suit for blood stains:

Why isn’t there blood higher up on her dress? Because she was on the trunk of the car, thats why! She should have blood on her jacket as well. There was a lot of blood. There was also a frayed material which I believe was the puppet used to make a volley of noise such as in fireworks to cause confusion in the car as Kellerman testified about.

And of course if she is the shooter why shouldn’t she have blood on her dress?

Also the direction of the spray of blood from his head implicates her big time.

The spray of blood from the back and neck doesn’t occur. If your neck is shot there happens to be an aorta that would have sprayed a ton of blood

and it didn’t.

I think she may have rested him on her lap in the floor of the car afterwards for appearance sake by the time she reached the hospital. 


Why isn’t there blood on the back of the dress from the seat?

 The pictures show massive amounts of blood on the seat of the car. 

Because she did not get back into the seat but huddled in between the seats.

If she had returned to the seat there would be blood on the back of her skirt!!!!!!!

Why does everyone romanticize her having his head in her lap and why is it so very important for people to have to lie about this point?

Because they don’t want you to know that his head was not in her lap.

You have to ask yourself why have they made such a big deal about lying about that particular point since she remembers why she went to the trunk of the car -to retrieve his brain parts, but doesn’t remember going to the trunk of the car which is so ridiculous, its scary.

She doesn’t remember that she did, but she does remember why she did.

The reason is because of the verse in the bible about the Son of Man hath nowhere to lay his head.

Now that they have figured out this verse they want to make his head in her lap.

The people involved and present at the airport in Dallas before the assassination during and after seem to be Men of the cloth, religious leaders and their associates and the Press.

I have heard rumors about John F. Kennedy having all sorts of sordid affairs even supposedly from Jackie Kennedy. I have not seen one proof of evidence of this rumor. I have seen a picture of Marilyn Monroe who isn’t Marilyn Monroe with some men posing with the back and sides of their head who are purported to be John and Robert Kennedy, but I am not convinced one iota. I believe they are fakes and I think that the Hogans Heroes star was one of the men involved in the  false photography and probably was murdered because of that involvement. The woman in the picture looks like the actress that starred in the TV series called Dallas. Joan Collins with a blond wig. She does not look like MarilynMonroe …not nearly so pretty and soft. Don’t forget that Marilyn Monroe supposedly committed suicide. Joan Collins was in Dallas the night before the assassination with Richard Nixon at a night club, I have read about anyway.

I believe that the double or altered Jackie Kennedy was involved in affairs because of whatever it was that altered her. I believe that the double of Jackie who later worked for Double Day Publishers which coincidentally happened to be the publisher of the Warren Commission Report was involved in evidence tampering and murder of witnesses that might implicate her and used others under her spell.

I think whatever she was

was evil beyond imagination. Possessed!

Now whether the assassination is just a huge deception and JFK wasn’t really assassinated has occurred to me. I am not convinced he was killed in downtown Dallas. The reason I say that is because of the film at the airport with Billy Graham acting like Secret Service Agent Jack Ready and the other people identified seem to treat JFK as a hologram or something manipulated. However, they do seem to be highly sensitive and protective of Jackie Kennedy. Of course JFK could have been drugged with the drug called Devil’s Breath or similar drug and so might have been Roy Kellerman, and for that matter, Jackie. She and he might have been killed way before their trip to Dallas. 

 In the bible there is also a statement said by Jesus in the Gospel of John to his brethren who did not believe in him at the time

and wanted him to prove himself and go to the Jewish Feast in Jerusalem :


John 7:4-8

  4For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly.

If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world.

  5For neither did his brethren believe in him.

  6Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready.

  7The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.

  8Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast: for my time is not yet full come.


Jack Ready and his body double Billy Graham may seem unbelievable to connect to this assassination,

but I think it may not be so unreasonable to believe. Even Billy Graham says that that is what the Devil counts on is disbelief.

The death of Robert Kennedy and the death of JFK’s son with his pregnant wife and sister in law and the family’s relationship to Billy Graham and Cardinal Cushing and Roman Catholicism. The death of JFK’s other older brother before by a mistake of a robot. 

The Second Vatican Council (also known as Vatican II) occurred that same year 1963!

(Seems to be a collision of some kind in time!)

Not to mention the warnings about Secret Societies by JFK.
There isn’t much said about what Kennedy was going to say at the Dallas Trade Mart which he was unable to say because of his death. No one really knows or is revealing, but they have hinted in various strange ways such as Nellie Connallys statement to him immediately before the shots rang out. Jackie’s comments about it-will- never -be -that -way -again -Camelot -type -stuff and being a hunter when needed such as in biblical terms I believe such as Nimrod, etc. His secretary Lincoln and her odd statements about him in prophetic terms. Billy Grahams statement to Golda Meir about not being the man: I am not the man God called me to preach. which if you punctuate in different ways has a few differing meanings and same goes for what Nellie Connally said to JFK before he was shot the first time. And CBS Walter Cronkite also hints about what he was going to say early on in the CBS News coverage of the Assassination of JFK. I wrote and highlighted it in Part one of this transcription of that coverage.

After seeing the identity switches in this post I think when John F. Kennedy was warning us about Secret Societies

he was not excluding The Secret Service and the Press.

Whatever it was that was going to be said at the TradeMart in Dallas I believe was going to implicate certain people and institutions and very BIG ONES who preferred his silence no matter whether he is the Son of Man or not.

The degradation of the Gospel of John by all the other gospels and their related epistles has helped me to see the following:

The odd coincidences, nuances, and names involved in the assassinations of our Presidents in the past that relate to the JFK assassination and the Covenant with Many in the first 3 Synoptic Gospels. A vicious cycle seems to be occurring and I believe it is related to the Covenant with Many spoken of in the Book Of Daniel and in the Synoptic Gospels,

but does not occur in the Gospel of John.

The Synoptic “Q” mishap that Billy Graham utters at the beginning of the funeral for President Nixon. His and many other clergys relationship to the British Royalty and the Pope of Rome , the Vatican and all the other religions Hinduism and the like reuniting with her now and globbing on so to speak

because of fear, I believe. Dan Rather’s comments about Well wishers.

Roman Catholicisms and other religions as well perpetuating lies and deception about God,

veiling their evil with their PUBLIC works but some of their work is pretty bad stuff

in order to rule, deceive, profit and ABUSE!

Another odd point that seems to be a point of contention by differing factions of the press and clergy is the time of JFK’s death. Was it at noon or one o’clock. In the bible prophecy says that he will change times and laws. The strange back and forth in the press of whether Dallas time is Standard Mountain Time or Central Time seems to be intertwined in this event. I have no idea if we have had a change but I don’t think anyone is going to reveal that change because of the implication of whether JFK died at noon and its relation to the Gospel of John and the woman at the well. He meets a woman at the well in Samaria

John 4:1-6

When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John,

2(Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,)

3He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee.

4And he must needs go through Samaria.

5Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

 6Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well:

and it was about the sixth hour.

I have read that the Sixth hour is noon.

John 4:23-26

23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

 25The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

 26Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.


Jackie and the Kennedy’s called John Kennedy by the name of Jack.

Jack comes from the name of Jacob.

The funeral and the crowd of people in lines that formed an M could well be a a W if you look at it from a different perspective. The Preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew promoted by Bishop Butler  who was heavily involved in the Vatican ll and his appearance at the airport in Dallas the day of the assassination. The burial of JFK at St. Matthews. The riderless horse.  The Warren Commission and Rick Warren’s relationship. The alteration of the bible at Dallas Theological Seminary in the last 30 years. The flood of evangelical teachers and tele-evangelism, speaking in tongues, making a spectacle of everything. The incessant drive to prop Mary up as Queen of Heaven and intercessor, etc. The trickling of information about the JFK’s assassination by her own daughter and our government. 

Whether or not JFK died at noon, before noon or at one o’clock seems to be a point of contention in the JFK assassination at least between factions of the press even within the same network such as Walter Cronkite, Eddie Barker and Dan Rather

but mostly centered around what Dallas time is.

I think the reason for that is the implication of the timing of his death relating to these verses above.

The film of JFK at the airport in Dallas talks about a woman who waited 69 years to shake the hands of a president. That also seems to be related in a biblical way as the person in the bible who meets the Messiah at the temple who had waited to set their eyes upon the Messiah before they died. Only difference here is the number 69 which seems to be a mock of that event in the bible.

Then there is the Federal Judge that swore in LBJ to office on the plane is called Judge Sarah T Hughes,

who also was involved in the case called

 Roe Vs. Wade 

and if you are not familiar that case it has to do with the legalization of abortion.

The assassination of JFK was definitely a Turning Point for our country and I think this event

deserves careful attention and reflection. 

The 2nd Vatican Council occurring that same year

and the beginning of the Neocatechumenal Way!

Not to mention Evangelical crud dished out on Television and Radio

from Benny Hinn to Billy Graham!

By the way if you get over the assumption that time only goes forward  it will help you to perceive the

spiritual war taking place in time and space for the truth.

Time can stop and it can go backward as well as forward

like ripples and currents in bodies of water that are under and on top and in between.

What we attempt to learn now might well affect the past and the future and hopefully for the better.

But I will not stop until I do know the truth (even though I am tempted often to do just that and worse)

Because it is important!

What is occurring in the news around the world today should worry any reasonable person.

The control of people we love by something should worry any reasonable person.

In one or two of my posts I wrote about the Son of Man in a Synoptic gospel asking Peter “Whom do men say the Son of man am?” and in another part of the Synoptic gospels Jesus asks Peter,”Whom do ye say that I am?” Any way this article is about that subject.  I hope you read it because it should shed light on the silliness and confusion that engulfs the Synoptic Gospels.

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven


President Johnson’s few emotional words, his brief speech at the airport upon his arrival here in Washington, his first words spoken to the nation as President of the United States have recalled to many people here at the White House the first words of President John F. Kennedy, his Inaugural Address. Two passages particularly seem to echo in the White House. You’ll remember that the President said, “Let the word go forth from this time an place to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.  Let every nation know,” said President Kennedy, ” whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” 

 And you will recall that he closed with these ringing words, “In the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility,  I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation: the energy, the faith, the devotion, which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve us, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so my fellow Americans,” said Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.”

And now we have President Kansatease answer to that question.

?????Slip of the Tongue?????

 No joke he actually said Kennedys like Kansatease. I can’t help but think of the Wizard of Oz.

Is that what he meant?

Is that mocking President Kennedy by the Press,

or the spirit of the Press?

 This is George Herman at the White House. Now back to Walter Cronkite:


Walter Cronkite at CBS Studios  

A man who hoped to win his parties nomination to oppose President Kennedy in next November’s election:

New York’s Governor Nelson Rockerfeller received word of the President’s death in New York.

 This is a shocking and terrible tragedy for the nation and the world.

Mrs. Rockerfeller and I join with all New Yorker’s and every American (LICKS)

in extending heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Kennedy and the President’s family.

May God grant strength and guidance to Lyndon Johnson

as he assumes his grave responsibilities under these tragic circumstances.

The prayers of all of us will be with him.

I have proclaimed for the state of New York a 30-day period of mourning

and I have directed that all state offices shall be closed on the day of the President’s funeral.

Back to Walter Cronkite at CBS Studios
Senator Barry Goldwater was on his way to a political dinner in Muncie, Indiana when news of President Kennedy’s assassination reached him. The scene was Chicago’s Ohara Airport in Chicago, of course. Senator Goldwater expressed shock and grief to passerby’s, but otherwise uh had no comment there.
  Obvious Film Edit and back at 3:16/10:07

The power of the Presidency of the United States is felt, in one way or another, in every nation on earth.
From Washington Marvin Kalb reports on how the nations are feeling the death of the President:
   “Kalb spent 30 years as an award-winning reporter for CBS News and NBC News….>
Kalb was the last newsman recruited by Edward R. Murrow to join CBS News,
becoming part of the later generation of the “Murrow’s Boys.”
Walter, the diplomatic colony here in Washington was as shocked as any other group of people wh here in the nations capitol when they heard about the President’s assassination. Perhaps it was best expressed today to WTOP-TV by French Ambassador Hervé Alphand:

The tragic death of President Kennedy has deeply moved the French people

since ever and forever the friend of the American people.

President Kennedy has displayed a great fondness for my country,

especially during his trip in Paris in 1961.

And I must add that he was also my personal friend (licks)

who had always shown to me profound affection and understanding.

And our General De Gaulle said, “He died like a soldier. We shall not forget his example, nor his memory.”

Back to Marvin Kalb:
They used to say at the State Department that John F. Kennedy was his own Secretary of State listening with due respect to Dean Rusk’s advice,
but rarely relying upon it. 

This relationship between White House and The State Department is now expected to change.

Big Clue Here! 

Yes, because President Kennedy was assassinated.

Now the diplomats are under the care of Mrs. Kennedy or rather

“her imitation”

the agile hit woman

with the red roses and a lamb-chop puppet

and who knows what else betwixt her fingers and in her arms (weaponry, that is.) in the limo!

Go to part 62 about the funeral she arranged

CBS News and JFK (The Day America Was Restored) Parts 61-65

and see her courageous all male following,

except for the Queen of Greece,

her new “privileged female”

and her next stepping stone.

Which reminds me of Josephus and his use for women:)

Until President Johnson acquires the self confidence necessary for his new responsibility and the knowledge of his new world wide power, he will have to depend to an enormous extent upon Dean Rusk his Secretary of State to run this nation’s foreign policy. That means that there will be no change in American Foreign Policy. No change in its commitments abroad. No change even in nuance. Only the personality of the Office of the President has changed. Someone might say that this is really the glory of America,  that in a moment of national tragedy there is an orderly transition of political power not internal political chaos. Secretary Rusk is now on his way back to Washington and expected to arrive here shortly after midnight. He heard about Mr. Kennedy’s assassination while on route to Tokyo for an important conference there with business leaders from Japan. Other members of the Kennedy Cabinet are with him and the Secretary ordered his plane turned around back to Washington immediately upon hearing the news.
American ambassadors all over the world have been notified formerly by The State Department about
President Kennedy’s passing.

Reminds me of:

John 8:59

Then took they up stones to cast at him:

but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, 

and so passed by.

Messages of condolences from world leaders in foreign capitols have been pouring into the Department all afternoon.
The big and immediate question raised here waswill the Russians try to take advantage of this moment of confusion and bewilderment in the western world to press their own communist cause? There are no easy answers to this question here tonight, but the drift of informed opinion is that they will not. Confusion exists in Moscow too when there is confusion in Washington. And both capitols in the last 3 years have developed a healthy respect for one another’s nuclear power. Neither side wishes to push the other in a moment of national crisis. The Late President Kennedy did not last fall after the Cuban Crisis when he could have. Premier Kruschev was very low with that time. And now Premier Kruschev is not expected to push the new President of the United States at this moment of American national tragedy and crisis. Instead, both sides are expected to sit tight, take it easy, not rock the boat; certainly not until Kruschev has had a prolonged opportunity to examine the United States and the Western world under the new tutelage and guidance of President Johnson.
This is Marvin Kalb in Washington. Now back to Walter Cronkite:
For how Moscow did react to the news of President Kennedy’s death we switch to Stuart Nobins? a radio report from Moscow.

 Walter  Cronkite is listening to a headset

(….garbled) news of President Kennedy’s by assassination came into this country by way of Voice of America’s English news broadcast at shortly after 10:00  o’clock tonight. The city was dark. Snow had just begun to fall. The streets were utterly empty of people. At 10:30 pm radio moscow interrupted its program to publish the bulletin of the assassination attack. The bulletin said that President Kennedy had been shot apparently by right wing extremists. That his condition was serious. At 10:45 also television made the same announcement and then added a further bulletin that the President was in critical condition. At 10:50, (1:50 Dallas time, unless there has been a time zone change since 1963?) the English language version of Tass, the overseas news agency, carried this report. It said, “It has just been officially announced that United States President John F. Kennedy has died in the hospital after an attempt was made on his life by persons believed to be from among the extreme right wing elements. At 10:57, Radio Moscow again interrupted its regular service to announce that the President had been murdered. The announcement was brief, respectful, and it was followed immediately by the playing of slow sad music.

United States Ambassador Kholer told me when I was able to reach him at the residence Spaso House that he felt devastated.
He almost mumbled as he talked to me in what obviously was great grief.
He said that he and Mrs. Kholer had been at home alone, not a social evening, when the news came in.
He said, “I feel terrible. I can’t even say what I feel. I’m devastated.”
At Moscow University, where several American students are living and studying, they too heard the first reports over Voice of America.
Since the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Voice of America in English has not been jammed here.
The students had first refused to believe the report. Then when doubting was no longer a refuge there was silence, shock, and half-whispered reactions:
what will happen now? It’s terrible.
One man just stood and wept.
Russian students, friends of the Americans, came in quietly and shook hands and expressed sorrow. One Russian said, “Kennedy was a liberal. What will happen in the world now?”  Friends of this reporter are among some russians here telephoned immediately when they heard the news. They offered their sympathy and condolence. One thought almost as if they too could feel what an American must feel when his President has been assassinated.
This is (?Stuart Nobins?) in Moscow.


The news, of course, brought this nation of ours almost to a standstill.

The Stock Market closed shortly after the news after uh stocks had dropped precipitously

with the greatest drop since Black Monday of the Stock Market Crash.

Throughout the country theaters closed.

And in Times Square the heart of the amusement industry in the United States that great street of Broadway is almost dark tonight.

 Bernard Eisman is there. Come in Bernard (0:43/9:05 tongue): 

Broadway is not the Great White Way tonight. All of the lights on the spectacular advertising displays have been dimmed. Put out.The movie houses with the flickering, twickering banks of neon they too have doused their lights and closed their box offices. In the streets off Broadway, the scores of legitimate theaters and plays on the boards, those that are successful and those are not. They too are closed. Even the little frankfurter stands here and there are closing down. As evening came, Broadway paid it’s tribute to the President. It went dark. Something it hasn’t done in the memory of very many people. Even the crowds and the traffic on Broadway are unusually light. The automobile traffic is not a tenth of what it would be on any ordinary weekend night. And the crowds walking the streets they too are very light. Usually here, it’s elbow to elbow and knee to knee as people fight to get to one amusement palace to another. Not so tonight. Now, they carry little radios and listen for more news of the Presidents death, or they read newspapers as glaring headlines brings home the reality of a tragedy.

This is Bernard Eisman on a very dark and dim Broadway.

What psycho babble! Talk about rubbing it in.

What is the GREAT WHITE WAY, Sean?

Is he speaking of 



He sounds just like another newsman in our day

who seems to be not who he seems to be,

Seanin’ itself

and presenting a new word


I hate these kind of reports! 

I’m speaking of Sean Hannity. HIS VOICE BUT NOT HIS FACE!


Back to Walter Cronkite :) YEA

No corner of America had any corner on grief tonight.

 Across this great land the shockwave of President Kennedy’s assassination left a nation of stunned citizens.

Obvious EDIT and probably an OMISSION!!!

CBS News Correspondent Dan Shore reports some reaction from Bonn

and that it’s the German Chancellor Eirehart shocked,

has said that he and former German Chancellor Conrad Adenauer will fly to

Washington to attend the funeral services of the late President Kennedy.

Let’s go now back to Washington to the White House and to George Herman:


The White House of the United States is empty. President Lyndon Johnson is working in the office he occupied across the street, the Executive Office Building, the office of the Vice President of the United States. Ms. Kennedy is not coming back to the White House at all. Her children left the White House at 5:30 this afternoon presumably to join Mrs. Kennedy who is going into seclusion. President Johnson has talked to former President Truman and to former President Eisenhower, both of whom have apparently indicated that they will be here for the viewing of the President’s body tomorrow.

                                                                                     President Hoover apparently is not going to be able to make it. (licks mouth 3:20/9:05)

President Johnson met with McGeorge Bundy the President Kennedy’s Aide on National Security matters with Secretary of Defense McNamara (licks mouth 3:29/9:05) and with Undersecretary of State George Ball for his first briefing as President of the United States. ???????

As I say he’s working now in his Executive Office Building office. Oh really?

The President also met with the Legislative leaders of both houses of congress and both parties. He asked for their united support in this tragedy which has befallen the country. He said it’s more essential than ever that  this country be united and he asked them to help with the help of God for them all. This is George Herman at the White House. Back now to Walter Cronkite:

Mr. Kennedy’s parents, Joseph and Rose Kennedy, are in seclusion tonight at their Hyannis Port Massachusetts home. They learned of the news of the assassination of their son from a workman at the house who heard it over the radio house and they immediately went into that seclusion. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, the President’s younger brother and his closest advisor, was having lunch at his  Washington home when the tragedy uh tragic news uh reached him. The President’s other brother, Senator Edward Kennedy, was presiding over the Senate when word of the assassination reached him he rushedout of the Senate Chamber and he and his sister Mrs. Eunice Shriver later flew to Hyannis Point to be with their parents.

  Another sister Mrs. Patricia Lawford was placed under a doctors care at her home in Santa Monica California

(4:50/9:05 rubs left eye with left forefinger)after receiving word of the assassination.

 Next week was to have been a big one for the Kennedy family particularly for Caroline

who will be 6 years old on Wednesdayand for John Jr. who observes his third birthday on Monday.

John-John,as the President called him,

was to have been celeb uh celebrated uh with his playmates at the White House on Tuesday.

And the next day Caroline was to have been the star of a big family birthday party up at Cape Cod.

And all of the Kennedy’s had been planning to get together

for their traditional Thanksgiving gathering at Hyannis Port on Thursday.(licks mouth 5:29/9:05)

For the two Kennedy children and for the entire family, of course,

Mr. Kennedy’s death today was the second family tragedy about which uh they had to be told this year.

The first the death uh in the case the children of their infant brother

Patrick Bouvoir Kennedy last August the 9th.

To recapitulate where some of the other principles in today’s tragedy are at this hour. The Kennedy family as we have said gathering in Hyannis Port.President Lyndon Baines Johnson at 54 by ascension now the 36th President of the United States is working as George Herman told you a moment ago in the Executive Office Building across the uh street from the uh White House. Mrs. uh  Lyndon Johnson is at their home in Washington. The uh two Johnson children, daughters, one is at school in Washington the other was at Austin, Texas planning to be a part of the weekend on the LBJ Ranch outside of Austin at which President and Mrs. Kennedy were to have been the honored guests. Whether they are going to fly now to Washington uh is not known at this hour. 

(licks mouth 6:37/9:05)

And the body of the late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy uh lies at the US Naval Hospital at Bethesda, Maryland. The body will be taken back to the White House to Lie in State at the White House tomorrow. On Sunday it will pay be taken to the Capital Building to remain in the Great Rotunda until noon on Monday. It is understood, at the moment, that the actual funeral services which will be a uh full-dress State Ceremony we will be held in Boston but a funeral mass will be said in Washington by Cardinal Cushing who married the uh Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy uh the uh couple of years ago.

(licks mouth 7:18/9:05)

Down in Dallas, Texas one other individual who may have been a principle in this tragedy today, the man whom the Police say is a prime suspect; Lee Oswald, a member of a Free Cuba committee. A man who went to Russia and attempted to take up citizenship there in 1959 and returned here only last year has been booked for the murder of a Dallas Policeman shot in the Texas theater three miles from the uh site on the Dallas street where President Kennedy was assassinated and Governor Connally was shot. Seized some 45 minutes later in a gun fight after the teller at the theater said that a man who looked like he was running from something had come into the theater. He was interrogated for more than 6 hours this afternoon. He has been booked now for the murder of the policeman, but there has been no charge leveled regarding the murder of the President of the United States. (licks mouth 8:17/9:05)


In case he, or the culprit is found and charged, it is a simple murder charge in the State of Texas. That is not a federal offense. And he would face electrocution by the laws of the State of Texas in the Huntsville, Texas State Penetenciary.

We are going to continue our coverage of this tragic day in a moment with special broadcasts recounting the career of the late President and a visit with the man who succeeded him.

This is Walter Cronkite.


Picture of flag at half mast.


July 5, 2012 Posted by | Assassination of JFK, Associated Press, Billy Graham, Cardinal Cushing, Caroline Kennedy, CBS News, Dallas Morning News, Dan Rather, Equal Rights, Evangelism, Human Rights, Jackie Kennedy, Jackie Onassis, JFK, John Kennedy Jr., Moscow, Neocatechumenal Way, Neocats, Oswald, Secret Service, Senator Kennedy, Senator Spector, Synoptic Gospel, The Gospel of John, Uncategorized, Vatican ll, Walter Cronkite, Washington D.C. | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment